Use catalog datasets

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Catalog datasets provide a way to organize, share, search, and discover products created by ArcGIS Drone2Map. They are designed to be a centralized storage method that can be managed and maintained over time and shared amongst an organization for quick retrieval of products. After processing a project, products can be added to a new or existing catalog dataset as catalog layers. When the catalog dataset is opened within a map or scene, footprints for each layer within the catalog will appear and depict the layer boundary in the expected geographic location.

Create a catalog dataset

A catalog dataset can be stored locally or on shared storage. Its layers are sourced from files on disk or items from ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise.

To create a catalog dataset, complete the following steps:

  1. Browse to the Share tab.
  2. Click the Catalog Dataset button.

    The Catalog Dataset pane opens with the Add tab section in focus.

  3. Click the Create Catalog Dataset button Add Data.

    A new Create Catalog Dataset dialog box appears.

  4. Provide a name for the new catalog dataset in the Catalog Name section.
  5. Choose whether the catalog type should be Local or Web.
    • Local—layers added to the catalog will be files.
    • Web—layers added to the catalog will be items from the active ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise portal.
  6. Choose the location where the catalog dataset will be stored.

    Catalog datasets require a file geodatabase. This can either be the current project geodatabase (default), an existing local file geodatabase, or a new file geodatabase can be created by clicking the Create File Geodatabase button. Add Data

  7. Choose how the layers will be stored in the catalog dataset.
    • Project—Layers will not be copied and will be referenced from their project.
    • Shared Storage—Layers will be copied and referenced from the user specified shared storage location.
  8. Select the spatial reference or accept the default.
  9. Click OK.

Add project layers to a catalog dataset

To add project layers to a catalog dataset, complete the following steps:

  1. Browse to the Share tab.
  2. Click the Catalog Dataset button.

    The Catalog Dataset pane opens with the Add tab in focus.

  3. Use the Active Catalog Dataset drop-down menu to define the active catalog dataset. Alternatively, open an existing catalog dataset using the Choose Catalog Dataset button Import Template or create a new one using the Create Catalog Dataset button Add Data.
  4. Use the Layers table to select layers from the current project to be added to the catalog dataset.
  5. Click the Add button to add the project layers to the catalog dataset.

Remove project layers from a catalog dataset

To remove project layers from a catalog dataset, complete the following steps:

  1. Browse to the Share tab.
  2. Click the Catalog Dataset button.

    The Catalog Dataset pane opens with the Add tab in focus.

  3. Use the Active Catalog Dataset drop-down menu to define the active catalog dataset. Alternatively, open an existing catalog dataset using the Choose Catalog Dataset button Import Template.
  4. Use the Layers table to select layers from the current project to be removed from the catalog dataset.
  5. Click the Remove button to remove the project layers from the catalog dataset.

If the active catalog dataset uses shared storage, layers can be deleted by anyone accessing it. Be aware of this when removing any layers and performing maintenance.

Manage catalog datasets

Catalog datasets provide a long-term storage and sharing method for Drone2Map products. Layers can continually be added and maintained within the catalog dataset across multiple projects. The Manage tab provides the ability to remove layers, repair broken paths, manage catalogs, and quickly find and zoom to selected layers.

Remove layers from a catalog dataset

To remove layers stored in an active catalog dataset, complete the following steps:

  1. Browse to the Share tab.
  2. Click the Catalog Dataset button.

    The Catalog Dataset pane opens with the Add tab in focus.

  3. Click the Manage tab at the top of the pane.
  4. Use the Active Catalog Dataset drop-down menu to define the active catalog dataset. Alternatively, open an existing catalog dataset using the Choose Catalog Dataset button Import Template.
  5. Use the Layers table to select the catalog layers to be removed from the catalog dataset.
  6. Click the Remove button to remove the catalog layers from the catalog dataset.

If the active catalog dataset uses shared storage, layers can be deleted by anyone accessing it. Be aware of this when removing any layers and performing maintenance.

Edit a catalog dataset

Once a catalog dataset has been created, certain characteristics can still be modified such as the method it uses to store its layers.

To edit a catalog dataset, complete the following steps:

  1. Browse to the Share tab.
  2. Click the Catalog Dataset button.

    The Catalog Dataset pane opens with the Add tab in focus.

  3. Click the Manage tab at the top of the pane.
  4. Use the Active Catalog Dataset drop-down menu to define the active catalog dataset. Alternatively, open an existing catalog dataset using the Choose Catalog Dataset button Import Template.
  5. Click the Edit Catalog Dataset button Edit Pop-up Element.
  6. Use the radio buttons to define whether catalog layers are stored locally in the Project or from Shared Storage path.
  7. Click OK to retain any changes.

Repair broken layer paths in a catalog dataset

Catalog layers are versatile and can be stored on disk or online. However, there are times when a layer path may no longer be correct, such as when a layer is moved or deleted. In these instances, the broken layer paths can be repaired in the Manage pane.

To repair broken layer paths in a catalog dataset, complete the following steps:

  1. Browse to the Share tab.
  2. Click the Catalog Dataset button.

    The Catalog Dataset pane opens with the Add tab active.

  3. Click the Manage tab at the top of the pane.
  4. Use the Active Catalog Dataset drop-down menu to define the active catalog dataset.

    Alternatively, open an existing catalog dataset using the Choose Catalog Dataset button Import Template.

  5. Select the layer or layers that need their path repaired.
  6. Click the Repath button.

    A new browse window appears.

  7. Define the new path to the layer by selecting its current location.
  8. Click OK.

View time-enabled catalog layers

Catalog datasets support the use of a date field that works with the time slider functionality that is available in ArcGIS Drone2Map. The date field in the catalog datasets attribute table can be directly edited to ensure that each layer is configured to the correct date.

To view time-enabled catalog layers, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Contents pane, click the catalog dataset to select it.

    The Time tab appears at the top of the screen.

  2. Click the Time tab.
  3. On the Time tab, in the View group, click the Time button Time to enable temporal filtering.

    The map view is filtered based on the current extent and any catalog layers that overlap that extent. The Current Time group shows the start and end dates of the layers that are currently displayed.

  4. In the Playback group, click the Play All Steps button Play All Steps to begin playback.

    The layers in the map appear as the time slider progresses. The playback uses the range of time defined by the start and end times on the Time tab in the Current Time group.

The time settings can be customized to span shorter amounts of time if you have many layers over consecutive dates or on the same date. By configuring time settings on catalog layers, you can quickly review changes over time.