Create a tile package

2024.1    |

ArcGIS Drone2Map allows you to generate a tile package (.tpk or .tpkx) for True Orthos, orthomosaics or elevation products that can be used in other Esri software or mobile applications. Tile packages can be used to view imagery offline or to use a set of images as reference, such as a basemap.

Tile packages can be created for True ortho, orthomosaic, digital surface model, and digital terrain model products. Once you generate one of those products, the Create Tile Package button is accessible on the Home tab.

Complete the following steps to create a tile package:

  1. On the Home tab, in the Post-Processing group, click the Create Tile Package button.

    A dialog box appears.

  2. Use the two drop-down menus to select the 2D product and tile package format for the tile package.
  3. Check the Use product spatial reference check box to output the tile package using the same coordinate system as the product.

    If not checked, the default coordinate system of WGS84 Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere is used.

  4. Choose where to save the tile package or accept the default location.
  5. Check or uncheck the Open folder on creation check box.

    If this option remains checked, a File Explorer window opens to the location of the tile package once it's created.

  6. Use the slider to adjust the minimum and maximum scale levels for the tile package.
  7. Click Create.

    The Create Tile Package window can be closed after clicking the Create button. Tile package creation continues in the background while you are working in Drone2Map. The Manage pane provides the status of the tile package and indicates its completion.

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