View settings

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.4)    |

You can use the dashboard's view settings to control aspects of the dashboard's behavior, specific to that view. To open the view settings, click the Settings tab in the View pane.

For the desktop view, you can turn on the Allow element re-size toggle button to allow dashboard viewers to manually resize elements. Additionally, you can turn on the Allow element expansion toggle button to allow dashboard viewers to expand elements.

For both desktop and mobile views, you can enable the Allow dashboard reset toggle button to allow dashboard viewers to reset the dashboard after making selections and interacting with elements. The reset button only appears when there has been an interaction with the dashboard. Resetting the dashboard clears any selections made on elements, returns the map to its default extent and all map tools to their defaults, and sets any tabs and feature based elements back to their first value.

URL parameters

You can use URL parameters to make dashboards dynamic. With URL parameters, a dashboard can power any number of views. A URL parameter is a property that is added to a dashboard's configuration by its author that can be used to trigger actions. Learn more about URL parameters and how to configure actions on URL parameters.

In this topic
  1. URL parameters