The Collector for ArcGIS (Classic) help site is retired and no longer being updated. To learn about Collector retirement and to find the latest information on data collection, see Collector retirement.
Draw a new shape manually
While collecting data or measuring, you can add a point manually on the map. Alternatively, you can select Use My Location to place points using the device's GPS.
The red point is the active point, and previously added points are blue squares. As you draw, the next point is placed into the shape following the active point. The new point becomes the active point and is connected to the previous point by a line segment. In an area, it's also connected to the initial point of the shape by a line segment.

Continue adding points to complete your shape.
Draw a new shape through streaming
When collecting a feature, you can also draw a shape using the streaming option. Streaming automatically collects a shape using your device's GPS, allowing you to walk or drive along a feature and capture its shape without manually placing points.
While the map is open, select a line or polygon feature type to collect. When you're ready to start collecting, select Start Streaming . While streaming, you cannot manually edit a shape. If you have to briefly stop collecting, select Pause Streaming
. When you've finished collecting the feature and you're ready to commit your changes, select Submit

Your location accuracy must be in range before you start streaming. In Collect Settings , update the Location Accuracy required to collect vertices by typing the number in the text box.
In Collect Settings , update the Streaming Interval by moving the slider. The streaming interval determines how often a point is collected while streaming a line or polygon feature. The smaller the time interval, the more detailed the shape. When you're done specifying the settings, select Close to return to your map.
Edit a shape
You can edit a feature or measurement shape with Collector. If editing a feature, select it on the map and select Edit . The outline of the shape you selected changes from cyan to dark blue, and the points that make up that shape appear. If you're measuring, the shape is already represented this way. The red point is the active point, and previously added points are blue squares.

Drag a point to move it to a new location and make it the active point.

Inserted points are added following the active point. Add a point manually on the map, or select Use My Location to use the device's GPS.

Either long press or drag the midpoint of a line segment to insert a point along it.

When editing a feature, you can remove the active point by selecting Delete Vertex .
If using a touch device, a magnifier appears as you long press on the map, allowing you to accurately move or insert a point.

You can undo changes to the points, or you can delete the shape to start drawing from an empty shape.
To cancel the last change you made (adding, deleting, or moving a point), select Undo . To clear the shape, select Delete
, and if editing, select Discard shape.