Cleanup streets

CityEngine 2022.0    |    |  

Imported, merged or self-drawn graph networks may contain the following:

  • duplicate or close-by nodes
  • duplicate or close-by segments
  • intersecting segments that do not have nodes where segments intersect

Such unclean graph networks induce a number of problems when creating street shapes or extracting lots.


The Cleanup streets tool Cleanup streets tool allows for fast cleanup of such graph networks by merging nodes, merging segments and creating nodes at intersecting segments.

The tool can be executed in the in the following ways:

  • Click the Cleanup streets tool Cleanup streets tool.
  • Click Graph > Cleanup Graph... in the main menu.
This tool operates on a selection of graph segments. Unselected segments stay unchanged. When merging, the nodes of the selected segments are merged.

Cleanup settings

The checked operations (intersect, snap, merge and/or resolve shape conflicts) are executed one after another. The following parameters can be set:

Intersect Segments

If checked, missing nodes of intersecting segments are created.

Snap Nodes to Segments

When checked, nodes snap to segments.


Nodes with smaller street widths always snap into segments with larger street widths. Node street width is defined as the maximal street width of the adjacent segments.

Horizontal Snapping Distance

The maximal horizontal distance between a node and a target segment. Only meaningful if the option above is checked.

Vertical Snapping Distance

The maximal vertical distance between a node and a target segment. Only meaningful if the option above is checked.

Merge Nodes

When checked, nodes that are close to each other are merged.

Horizontal Merge Distance

Nodes that are closer than this distance in a horizontal direction are merged into one. Only meaningful if the option above is checked.

Vertical Merge Distance

Nodes that are closer than this distance in a vertical direction are merged into one. Only meaningful if the option above is checked.

Resolve Conflicting Shapes

When checked, the tool collapses all street segments which cause street shape conflicts. This is executed iteratively until no more conflicts exist.


Segments with the smallest minimal adjacent node valence are collapsed first, i.e. this 'segment valence' determines the order of the segment collapse iteration.


This tool operates planar in the x-z plane. The y-coordinate is neglected. Therefore, running this tool on graph networks containing segments on different y-levels is not recommended.


Simple Intersections

Overlapping segments
Intersect segment settings
IIntersection of segments

Snap Nodes to Segments

Segments before snapping
Snap nodes to segments settings
Segments snapped

Simple Merge

Segments before merge
Merge node settings
Segments merged

Full Cleanup

Segments before cleanup
Full cleanup settings
Segments after cleanup

Resolve Conflicting Shapes

Shapes before conflict resolved
Resolve conflicting shapes settings
Shapes after conflict resolved

In this topic
  1. Cleanup settings
  2. Examples