Essential shape operations overview

CityEngine 2021.1    |    |  

Shape operations are the actions that you can apply to shapes. Below is a list of essential operations with descriptions. You can find a list of all available operations in the CGA reference.


Extrudes the input shape to a given height.

Lot --> extrude(13) Mass


Used to place, orient, and size the scope and geometry.

Mass --> s('0.75, '1, '0.75)

Component split

Splits a shape into its sub-components, for example, a volume into its faces.

Block --> comp(f) { side : Facade | top : Roof. }
Component split

Subdivision split

Splits a geometry along scope-axes.

Facade --> split(y) { 1 : Facade. | ~3 : Floor  | 1 : Facade. }*
Floor  --> split(x) { 1 : Floor.  | ~2 : Window | 1 : Floor.  }*
Subdivision split

Insert assets

Loads an asset and inserts it in the current scope.

Window --> i("window.obj")
Insert assets