- string material.colormap
- string material.bumpmap
- string material.dirtmap
- string material.specularmap
- string material.opacitymmap
- string material.normalmap
- string material.emissivemap
- string material.occlusionmap
- string material.roughnessmap
- string material.metallicmap
- float material.{colormap|...|metallicmap}.s{u|v}
- float material.{colormap|...|metallicmap}.t{u|v}
- float material.{colormap|...|metallicmap}.rw
The attribute consists of 10 texture layers. Each texture layer consists of the following:
- file name of the associated texture (material.{colormap|...|metallicmap})
- scaling factors in u and v directions (material.{colormap|...|metallicmap}.s{u|v})
- offsets in u and v directions (float material.{colormap|...|metallicmap}.t{u|v})
- rotation around the w-axis (material.{colormap|...|metallicmap}.rw)
All these attributes can be set and read.
Each texture layer has a corresponding uv-set (texture coordinates) in the shape's geometry. More information can be found in Texturing: Essential Knowledge
- The bump map is interpreted as luminance map (CCIR 601).
- The normal map is interpreted as normals in tangent space encoded as rgb colors.
- The roughness map only uses the green channel.
- The metallic map only uses the blue channel.
- The occlusion map only uses the red channel.
See Asset Search for information about where the texture is searched and Built-in Assets for a list of built-in textures.