abs function

CityEngine 2021.1    |    |  


  • float abs(x)
  • float[] abs(x)


  1. x—(float, float[])


The absolute value of floating point number x or a new array containing absolute values of elements of x



Using the abs function to find values in an array within a tolerance epsilon. In contrast to the findFirst function, findAll returns all found indices.

findAll(array, value, epsilon) =
    [0 : size(array)-1][abs(array .- value) .<= epsilon]

getValues(array, value, epsilon) =
    array[abs(array .- value) .<= epsilon]
const sequence = [0 : 0.1 : 2]

Lot --> print(           findFirst(sequence, 1, 0.15)   )  // 9
        print( sequence[ findFirst(sequence, 1, 0.15) ] )  // 0.9
        print(           findAll  (sequence, 1, 0.15)   )  // (3)[9,10,11]
        print( sequence[ findAll  (sequence, 1, 0.15) ] )  // (3)[0.9,1,1.1]
        print(           getValues(sequence, 1, 0.15)   )  // (3)[0.9,1,1.1]

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