Use Vision Zero

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The Vision Zero solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you share your Vision Zero strategy with the public, solicit transportation hazards and dangerous traffic behaviors from key stakeholders, manage each reported hazard, and monitor the status of its resolution.

In this topic, you will learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the following workflows.

Use your organization's data or configured apps to follow these workflows.

Submit a traffic hazard

You will first assume the role of a concerned resident in the community who wants to notify the city of a problem that you observed.

  1. In a browser, from the Vision Zero solution, view the Vision Zero site.
  2. Scroll to the Transportation Hazards section and click Report Hazard.
  3. In the Transportation Hazard Reporter app, at the lower left, click  Submit a Hazard.
  4. Specify the hazard location by searching for an address or clicking on the map.
  5. Fill out the hazard details by providing the hazard observed and additional details.
  6. Optionally, provide your contact information.
  7. To submit a hazard, click Submit.
  8. At the top of the list of hazards, click the hazard you just reported to select it.

    The hazard details are displayed. As the hazard moves through its life cycle (Submitted, Received, In Progress, and Completed), the status bar updates.

  9. Optionally, click Comment to display the comment form and add a new comment.

You and others can add comments to update or highlight information related to the initial request to authorities. The department or agency who is responding to the request can also add comments to provide updates on the progress.

Respond to hazard reports

You are now a city employee who is responsible for responding to submitted transportation hazard problem reports, assigning them to the appropriate department for resolution, and providing the resolution information when completed.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Transportation Hazard Manager  app.
  2. From the item page, click View.
  3. In the Transportation Hazard Reporters table, select the hazard you reported.

    Review the details of the request in the Information panel.

  4. On the Information panel, click Edit.
  5. For Visible to the Public, choose Yes.

    When Visible to Public is set to Yes, the hazard report will display in the Transportation Hazard Reporter app.

  6. Click the Status drop-down and choose Received.
  7. Click Update.

    The next step is to investigate the location for Vision Zero improvements. You'll change the status to In Progress and assign the problem to the most appropriate department.

  8. On the Information panel, click Edit.
  9. Click the Status drop-down and choose In Progress.
  10. For Assigned To, choose the appropriate department.
  11. Under Comments, click Add record.
  12. In the Comments text box, type Vision Zero taskforce is working on this issue.
  13. Click Update.

    After the department assigned to the problem informs you that the problem has been investigated and improvements to the intersection have been submitted for review, you'll change the status to Completed.

  14. On the Information panel, click Edit.
  15. Click the Status drop-down and choose Completed.
  16. In the Resolution text box, type Improvements submitted to Vision Zero taskforce for review.
  17. Click Update.

    Because the issue has been completed, the status indicator has changed, and the details now provide information about when and how the issue was resolved.

Monitor reports and measure performance

As a program manager for the city, you want to know how well the Vision Zero program is functioning and monitor the reports coming in.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Transportation Hazard Dashboard app.
  2. From the item page, click Open Dashboard.
  3. On the left, use filters to refine results by status, transportation mode, problem, or date.
  4. Use the graphs to filter and explore active and resolved problem reports.
  5. In the Hazard Reports list, click a report to zoom to it on the map and open a pop-up with more information.

Take the Vision Zero pledge

As an engaged resident of the community, you want to take the Vision Zero pledge to commit to streets that are safe, accessible, and shared by everyone in the community.

  1. In a browser, from the Vision Zero solution, view the Vision Zero site.
  2. Scroll to the Vision Zero Pledge section and click Take the Pledge.
  3. Complete the Vision Zero Pledge survey, and then click Submit.