Use Address Data Management

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.1)    |    |  

The Address Data Management solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you maintain an authoritative address repository, continuously improve the quality of address data, and share address information with internal and external stakeholders.

In this topic, you’ll learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the workflows below.

Maintain address inventory

You will assume the role of a mapping technician responsible for maintaining an inventory of road centerlines, valid road names, site addresses, and related mailing addresses. The Address Data Management ArcGIS Pro project includes a series of tasks to help guide you through these workflows.

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Address Data Management Desktop Application Template.
  2. Open the item page and click Download.
  3. Unzip and open the Address Data Management ArcGIS Pro project.
  4. On the View tab, in the Windows group, click Catalog Pane.
  5. In the Catalog pane, expand the Tasks folder, and double-click the Address Data Management task.
  6. In the Tasks pane, click the How to Use Address Data Management task group to expand the collection of tasks.

Add new roads

Roads are line segments representing centerlines of all roadways or carriageways that support address geocoding and mapping. They are also a resource for the agencies responsible for the active management of the road network. Typically, this information is compiled from orthorectified aerial imagery and record drawings.

The road features leverage a valid list of road names that can be assigned to a road and subsequent site address. The Master Road Names table includes the unique elements of a road name (for example, direction, name, and type) and uses an attribute rule to create a full road name. To ensure data integrity, the Master Road Names table constrains the road names that can be populated in the road centerlines and site addresses.

The feature classification and type schema for the roads is based on a functional classification of roads provided by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Specific attributes and default values vary for each feature type.

To manage the Master Road Name table and add new roads, follow the steps in the Add new roads task.

Add site addresses

Site addresses represent the location of a site or service delivery address assigned by a local government. Typically, site addresses are placed on top of the associated structure. Alternatively, they may be placed at the center of a parcel or in close proximity to the curb cut.

Site addresses are related to two other address layers:

  • Address points that represent the location along the road network where the specific site or service delivery address has been assigned.
  • Entrance points that represent the location where the public, or a service provider, gains access to the specific site address. In urban settings, an entrance point can represent a driveway for a home that is on a corner lot and the address is assigned off an adjacent road. In rural areas, an entrance point can represent a shared driveway that provides access to many homes. Entrance points are optional and can be added on a case-by-case basis.

Each site address may have one or more postal addresses associated with it. Postal addresses provide contact information for the owner or occupant of the building or buildings associated with a site address. The Owner / Occupant field indicates whether the postal address is for the owner, occupant, or both.

The feature classification and type schema for the site addresses is based on a status field. This status field allows local governments to identify pending, temporary, and current addresses.

To add a new site address and one, or more, related postal addresses and building entrances, follow the steps in the Add site addresses task.

Update road names

Road names may change during the plan review process and as a result, pending road names must be updated. When road name changes are made, the changes are pushed to the site address features to ensure data integrity is maintained

To modify a pending road name and update related features, follow the steps in the Update road names task.

Split existing roads

When constructing new roads, existing roads will split at the intersection of the new road and the address ranges will be prorated based on the length of each segment. In some cases, existing roads may not be split at an intersection or where a boundary (for example, municipal boundary) crosses a road.

To split existing roads at an intersection or where a boundary crosses a road, follow the steps in the Split existing roads task.

Modify road and address parity

In some cases, roads were not drawn in the direction of ascending address ranges and the direction of the line must be flipped to improve address geocoding. This may also mean the address range parity is incorrect and must be flipped as well.

To modify the road direction or address parity, follow the steps in the Flip roads and swap parity task.

Create road intersections

When creating new roads, existing roads are split at intersections along the new road. An inventory of road intersections with the names of relevant crossroads is often required by 911 systems and to manage right-of-way assets.

To create road intersections, follow the steps in the Create road intersections task.

Add USNG coordinates

The United States National Grid (USNG) standard provides a nationally consistent grid reference system and creates a more interoperable environment for developing location-based services within the United States. Some business systems require site address points have an associated USNG coordinate.

To add USNG coordinates to site addresses, follow the steps in the Add USNG coordinates task.

Validate address data

You can use the Address Data Management solution to validate, maintain, and improve the integrity of your address data. The solution includes validation and topology rules configured on the address layers can help you identify and resolve common errors in your address data.

To validate address integrity, follow the steps in the Validate address data task.

Request address correction

You will first assume the role of a resident or member of the public. When attempting to file a permit application, you search for an address, but the result is incorrect. You will use the Addressing site and Address Request Form to report an erroneous address.

  1. In a browser, go to the Addressing site.
  2. Scroll to the Verify Your Address section and review the story.
  3. In the Master Address Locator search box, enter an address.

    You see suggestions as you type and are able to choose the address from the search results.

    The results show several site addresses in the area.

  4. Click a site address and review the additional details.

    If you do not see an address, or see an error, return to the Addressing site and complete the Address Request Form.

  5. Scroll to the Request New Address section and review the story.
  6. Click Request Address.
  7. Complete the survey and click Submit.

Resolve address correction

You will now assume the role of a supervisor at an addressing authority. As a supervisor, you are responsible for assigning field crews to verify missing or incorrect address reports from stakeholders. Using the Address Assignments ArcGIS Workforce project, you will create a new assignment using the missing address report and assign it to one of your mobile workers.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization and click the Apps button Apps button in the header of the site.
  2. From the app launcher, click ArcGIS Workforce to open the app.
  3. Click Address Assignments to open the project.
    Workforce projects

    When implementing the Address Data Management solution in your organization, you must add anyone responsible for verifying addresses in the field to the Address Assignments ArcGIS Workforce project with a Mobile Worker role. You can add users and assign roles in the configuration settings of the project. To access configuration settings, hover over Address Assignments project and click Configure. Click the Users tab. For the purposes of this exercise, ensure your named user account is assigned as a dispatcher and as a mobile worker. Click My Projects tab to return to your projects.

  4. On the map, select the address you created in the previous section and click the + Create Assignment at the bottom of the pop-up window.
  5. From the Create Assignment panel, fill in the following details:
    • For Assignment Type, choose Verify Address.
    • For Assigned to, choose a worker.
    • For Priority, choose Medium.
    • For Due Date, choose tomorrow.
  6. Click Create Assignment.

Verify address correction

You will now assume the role of a mobile worker at an addressing authority. As a mobile worker, you are responsible for verifying missing or incorrect address reports. Using the Address Assignments ArcGIS Workforce project, you will review and update the status of your assignments and open the Address Field Inventory map in ArcGIS Field Maps to verify missing addresses.

  1. Download Workforce for ArcGIS and ArcGIS Field Maps apps onto your mobile device.
  2. Open the Workforce for ArcGIS app and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  3. Tap the Address Assignments project.
  4. Tap Verify Address from the To Do list.
  5. Tap Start.
  6. Tap Open Field Maps.

    This opens the Address Field Inventory map in ArcGIS Field Maps and defaults to the location of the assignment.

  7. Tap the missing address point at the same location.
  8. Tap Edit to modify the details of the address.

    At this point, verify the details of the address and make any necessary changes to the attributes and location of the address.

  9. Tap Verified and tap Yes.
  10. Tap Submit (iOS) or the check mark (Android).

    The address point changes from red to green and now reflects any edits you made during verification.

  11. Return to the Workforce for ArcGIS app and tap Finish to complete the assignment.

Collect new addresses in field

You will continue your role as a mobile worker at an addressing authority. You are responsible for collecting addresses for a new commercial development in the community. You will use the Address Field Inventory map in ArcGIS Field Maps to collect new addresses in the field.

  1. From your mobile device, open the ArcGIS Field Maps app.

    Tap the back arrow, if necessary, to go back to the Maps list.

  2. Tap the Address Field Inventory map.
  3. Tap Add and tap Proposed Site Addresses.
  4. Swipe up and enter the details of the address.

    When adding multiple addresses, they may have common attributes such as the road name and municipality. You can create a copy of an existing address point by selecting it and tapping Copy.

  5. Tap Submit (iOS) or the check mark (Android).

Incorporate proposed site addresses

You will assume the role of a mapping technician responsible for incorporating verified proposed site addresses submitted through the Address Request Form or collected in the field using Address Field Inventory into your authoritative site address. The Address Data Management ArcGIS Pro project can be used to copy and paste these points into your site address layer and mark the proposed site address as incorporated.

  1. Open the Address Data Management ArcGIS Pro project.
  2. Click Add Data in the Layer group on the Map tab of the ribbon.
  3. Under Portal browse into My Content and select the ProposedSiteAddresses feature layer deployed with the solution.
  4. Click Ok.
  5. Select a verified proposed site address point.
  6. Click the Copy button in the Clipboard group on the Edit tab of the ribbon.
  7. Click the Paste dropdown in the Clipboard group.
  8. Select Paste Special.
  9. From the Paste Special window select Layer and select Site Addresses from the dropdown.
  10. Check Keep source attribute values and click Ok.
  11. Select the proposed site address you copied.
  12. From the Attributes pane update the Incorporated field to Yes.
  13. Click Apply.

    The verified proposed site address has been incorporated into your authoritative site address layer and marked incorporated.