Use Adopt-A-Stop

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.1)    |    |  

The Adopt-A-Stop solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you engage volunteers to keep transit stops clean, manage participants, and monitor the performance of the adoption program.

In this topic, you’ll learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the workflows below.

Use your organization's data or configured apps to follow these workflows.

Adopt a stop

First, you’ll assume the role of a transit rider who wants to participate in your local transit agency’s adopt-a-stop program. You’ll use the Adopt-A-Stop app to submit an adoption request and report the stop is clean.

  1. In a browser, from the Adopt-A-Stop solution, view the Adopt-A-Stop site.
  2. Scroll to the Adopt-A-Stop section, and then click Adopt Stop to open the Adopt-A-Stop app.
  3. In the panel on the right, type your email address, and then click Login/Sign Up to sign up and begin the adoption process.
  4. In the form, type your contact details, and then click Sign Up.

    The Adopt-A-Stop app sends an email with program details and a link that you will use to log in to the app.

  5. In the email, click Login.

    Returning users also receive an email with a link used to sign in to the app.

    The Adopt-A-Stop app opens in a browser with your newly created user authenticated. Notice the instructions to select a stop on map to adopt.

  6. Select an available stop to adopt (the gray symbols on the map). Optionally, add a nickname to your stop in the text box. Click Adopt.

    Adopt-A-Stop displays a thank you message. The Adopt-A-Stop pane displays your stop as Adoption Pending and allows you to report if the stop is clean or to opt out of adopting the stop. You can use the Adopt-A-Stop app to regularly report cleanings.

Manage adoptions and participants

You are now a transit agency employee managing the stop adoption program. You will use the Adopt-A-Stop Manager app to approve adoption requests and contact program participants.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Adopt-A-Stop solution.
  2. View the Adopt-A-Stop Manager app.

    Pending and adopted stop requests are listed in the table at the top. The table can be sorted and filtered in various ways.

  3. In the table, click the Adoption Status column filter, and then for Status is, choose Pending.
  4. Click the Date Adopted column header and choose Sort in descending order.

    The pending adoption requests are now listed with the most recent request at the top.

  5. Select a pending adoption request from the table.

    The map selects the stop and zooms to the appropriate location, and the request details open at the bottom left.

  6. Review the details.
  7. In the details, click the participant’s email address to share information about your Adopt-A-Stop program with the participant.

    Adopt-A-Stop Manager opens your email client and presents a preformatted subject.

    After contacting the participant, you are ready to approve the adoption request.

  8. In the Adopt-A-Stop Manager app, in the request details, click the Edit record button Edit.
  9. For Adoption Status, choose Adopted.
  10. Optionally, modify the nickname to ensure it is appropriate to be displayed in Adopt-A-Stop app.
  11. Click Save.
  12. Optionally, click a record in the table, and then in its details, click Manage Adopter’s Stops to launch the Adopt-A-Stop app and manage the stops adopted by the selected user.

    You can use this workflow to remove an adopter from a stop, making it available for adoption.

Monitor the program

You will continue your role as a transit agency employee, this time looking to monitor the Adopt-A-Stop program. You will use the Adopt-A-Stop Dashboard to review key metrics and trends.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Adopt-A-Stop solution.
  2. View the Adopt-A-Stop Dashboard app.

    The Adopt-A-Stop Dashboard displays new adoptions and cleaning charts by month and provides management a quick view of program activity over time.

  3. On the left, adjust filters to explore transit stop status, type, date adopted and last cleaned.

    Dashboard charts are linked. If you click a month in either New Adoptions by Month or Cleanings by Month charts, related details are filtered and updated in other elements in the dashboard.

  4. On the right, select a stop from the list to view key details. Alternatively, click a stop on the map.
  5. Optionally, in a pop-up, click Manage Stop in the pop-up to launch the Adopt-A-Stop Manager app.