Configure Fire Incident Dashboard

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.1)    |    |  

The Fire Incident Dashboard solution can be configured to meet specific needs in your organization. In this topic, you will learn how to use the Update Features with Incident Records tool to automatically load data from records management systems (RMS) and computer-aided dispatch (CAD) systems into the layers in your Fire Incident Dashboard. You will also learn how to modify or remove dashboard elements unsupported by your data schema.

Load data

The layers can be loaded with your data using ArcGIS Pro. Optionally, you can automate data updates with current RMS or CAD incident data. These data updates can be scheduled to run a regular basis to ensure you are reviewing the most up-to-date information while using the dashboard.

Load data using ArcGIS Pro

In some cases, you may already have this information in ArcGIS or another mapping system. Review the layers provided with the solution and determine what source data you want to load. Then, load your existing data into the layers provided with the solution before sharing the maps or apps.

Follow the steps below to load your data into the layers used in the Fire Incident Dashboard.

  1. Open ArcGIS Pro, and ensure you are signed into your ArcGIS organization where the Fire Incident Dashboard solution is deployed.
  2. Click View, and then click Catalog Pane.
  3. In the Catalog Pane, click Portal, click My Content and choose the folder containing the solution.
  4. Add the FireServiceDistricts layer and FireIncidents layer to the map.
  5. Click Analysis, then navigate to the Append tool, open the tool, use the tool to load the districts layer of the FireServiceDistricts layer.
  6. Navigate to the Update Features With Incident Records tool, open the tool and use it to load your data to the FireIncidents layer.

The incident type field is based on the codes defined in the National Fire Incident Reporting System guide. Values for response time fields are expected to be in seconds and each record must have a unique identifier which refers to the first responding company.

Automate incident data updates

You can use the Update Features With Incident Records with Microsoft Windows Task Scheduler to update incident layers on a regular interval. These scheduled updates ensure users have access to current information to support dynamic decision making.

To update fire incident data on a schedule, use the Update Features With Incident Records tool with the Update Existing Target Features parameter enabled. Once the tool is configured to use your incident data and follow the instructions in the schedule geoprocessing tools documentation to learn how to run the tool on a schedule.

Configure dashboard elements

When loading data from your RMS or CAD system into the layers of the Fire Incident Dashboard, you may find that your source data does not contain specific fields used in the filters or charts. You can configure the Fire Incident Dashboard to point to different fields or delete it entirely as the schema of your data necessitates.

The Fire Incident Dashboard utilizes the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1710 standard benchmark which defines key performance objectives to be met for fire suppression and emergency medical operation responses times. The measured response objectives include the alarm handling time, turnout time, travel time and total response time. The Fire Incident Dashboard utilizes these NFPA standards to help fire command staff monitor and manage responses within their jurisdictions. If your organization uses response times that do not follow the NFPA response standards, the dashboard can be configured to use your standard.

See Configure an element in ArcGIS Dashboards for more information.

Configure 90th percentile performance gauges

The 90th percentile performance gauges communicate the key metrics on how quickly your agency is responding to emergency calls and shows where 90% of the responses are in relation to the set response time performance thresholds.

To update the response times in the gauges, complete the following steps:

  1. In your browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to Fire Incident Dashboard item details page.
  2. Click Edit Dashboard.
  3. On the right under 90th Percentile Performance, configure the Total response time gauge.
  4. In the Data tab, modify the maximum value as needed.
  5. In the Gauge tab, scroll to the bottom to the Guides section and update the From and To values as needed.
  6. In the General tab, click the Edit button for Description to reveal a text editor and change the text as needed.
  7. Click Done and Save your changes to the dashboard.
  8. Repeat the steps for the Alarm handling time, Turnout time and Travel time gauges.

Configure performance outliers list

The Performance Outliers by Incidents lists the incidents that are above each of the specified response time thresholds.

To update the thresholds in the lists, complete the following steps:

  1. Click on the tab Performance Outliers tab to reveal the lists.
  2. Under Performance Outliers by Incidents, configure the Total response time list.
  3. In the Data tab, modify the Total Time filter value as needed.
  4. Click Done and Save your changes to the dashboard.
  5. Repeat the steps for the Alarm handling time, Turnout time and Travel time outlier lists.

Configure response by date charts

The Response by Date charts show the response times for each of the incidents and where they fall in relation to the specified response time thresholds.

To update the thresholds in the charts, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Response by Date tab to reveal the charts.
  2. Configure the Total response time chart
  3. In the Guides tab, modify the Value and To value parameters as needed.
  4. In the General tab, edit the Title to change the text as needed.
  5. Click Done and Save your changes to the dashboard.
  6. Repeat the steps for the Alarm handling time, Turnout time and Travel time charts.