Add layers to maps (Map Viewer)

Layers are the contents of a map. They include a wide range of information about people, the earth, life, and so on, and are composed of imagery, tiles, features, and more. To add layers to a map, sign in to your organization and open Map Viewer. You can search for public layers in ArcGIS Online, layers in your content or organization, and subscription layers from ArcGIS Marketplace. You can also add layers from a URL.

When you save a map, the layers you added are saved with it, and the map appears on the My Content tab of the Content page.

You can explore maps, add and configure layers, and more without signing in. To save your work, sign in before creating a map.

The following table shows the layers you can add to a map and the method to use to add them. When you save the map, any items you've added are saved with the map and the map appears on the My Content tab on the content page.

Layer typeHow you add it

ArcGIS Server service

Service types include feature, map, imagery, tile, and stream services.

Add a layer from a URL.

Bing basemap

Your organization must be configured with a Bing Maps key to use this layer type.

Add a layer from a URL.

Comma-separated values (CSV) file (.csv)

Add a layer from a file.

.csv file from a third-party data provider

Add a layer from a URL.

File geodatabase

Add a layer from a file.

GeoJSON file (.json or .geojson)

Add a layer from a file or Add a layer from a URL.

GeoRSS web feed

Add a layer from a URL.

Keyhole markup language (KML) document

Add a layer from a URL.

Knowledge graph layer

Add a layer from a URL.

Layers from ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World

Browse ArcGIS Living Atlas layers

Sketch layer

Create a sketch layer.

Marketplace subscription layers

Browse subscription layers.

Markup layers

Search for layers from ArcGIS Online or search for layers available to you in your organization.

Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (.xls or .xlsx)

Add a layer from a file.

Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) API - Features layer

Add a layer from a URL.

Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) GeoPackage

Add a layer from a file.

Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Feature Service (WFS) layer

Add a layer from a URL.

OGC Web Map Service (WMS) layer

Add a layer from a URL.

OGC Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) layer

Add a layer from a URL.

Public layers on ArcGIS Online

Search for layers from ArcGIS Online.


Create a route layer or search for layers available to you in your organization.

Shapefile (.zip)

Add a layer from a file.

Tile layer from a third-party data provider

Add a layer from a URL.

Web layers hosted in your organization

Layer types include elevation layer, feature layer, map image layer, imagery layer, tile layer, tiled imagery layer, and group layer.

Search for layers available to you in your organization.