Camera orientation

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In the oriented imagery dataset attribute table, the CameraOrientation field is used to support precise image-to-ground and ground-to-image transformations using metadata such as camera focal length, lens distortion parameters, and so on. If the camera orientation string is provided, these values will be used in place of corresponding field values in the attribute table when the accurate transform is required.

To include a CameraOrientation field in your oriented imagery dataset, use an oriented imagery table with a CameraOrientation field as input to the Add Images to Oriented Imagery Dataset geoprocessing tool.


When the CameraOrientation field is provided, the CameraHeading, CameraPitch, CameraRoll, CameraHeight, HorizontalFieldOfView, HorizontalFieldOfView field values will be used for search and computation of the initial footprints and frustums.

The camera orientation parameter is a string that stores pipe (|) separated values. Oriented imagery supports four types of camera orientation strings. The first number in the string defines the type of camera orientation.

The camera orientation schema for each type is described below.

Type 1: Heading, pitch, roll

Camera heading, camera pitch and camera roll are used as the rotation angles.





The subsections below describe the parameters.

Coordinate system information

  • H_WKID: The WKID value for the horizontal coordinate system.
  • V_WKID: The WKID value for the vertical coordinate system.

Perspective point

  • X: The x-coordinate of the camera location. The units are in the coordinate system units defined in H_WKID.
  • Y: The y-coordinate of the camera location. The units are in the coordinate system units defined in H_WKID.
  • Z: The z-coordinate of the camera location. The units are in the coordinate system units defined in V_WKID.

Rotation angles

  • RA1: Camera heading in degrees
  • RA2: Camera pitch in degrees
  • RA3: Camera roll in degrees

Affine transformation parameters

The coefficient of affine transformation that establish the relationship between film space and image space.

  • A0,A1,A2: Represents the translation in x direction.
  • B0,B1,B2: Represents the translation in y direction.

A0 and B0 are offset in columns and rows.

Camera parameters

  • FL: Focal length of the lens
  • PPX: Principal point offset in X from camera center
  • PPY: Principal point offset in Y from camera center
  • K1, K2, K3: Radial distortion coefficients
  • P1,P2: Tangential distortion coefficients


The affine transformation parameters FL, PPX, and PPY must have the same units. Units can be in microns, pixels, or millimeters.

Type 2: Omega, phi, kappa

Omega, phi, and kappa are used as rotation angles.





The parameters are the same as defined in the Type 1 schema except for the rotation angles.

Rotation angles

  • RA1: Omega in degrees
  • RA2: Phi in degrees
  • RA3: Kappa in degrees

All the angle rotations are measured in positive counterclockwise direction and the sequence must be omega first, then phi, then kappa.

Type 3: Yaw, pitch, roll

Yaw, pitch, and roll are used as rotation angles. Type 3 is only supported for 360-degree images.


The oriented imagery viewer does not support 360-degree imagery in ArcGIS Pro 3.2 or Map Viewer.




The parameters are the same as defined in the Type 1 schema except for the rotation angles.

Rotation angles

  • RA1: Yaw in degrees
  • RA2: Pitch in degrees
  • RA3: Roll in degrees

Type 4: Local tangent plane

The Local Tangent Plane (LTP) with East North Up (ENU) Cartesian coordinate system is used to represent the camera point.


4|LTP_Lat|LTP_Lon|Ellipsoid_Rad|Ellipsoid_EE|RA_Type|V_WKID|LTPX|LTPY|LTPZ|RA1|RA2|RA3 OR



The subsections below describe the parameters.

LTP information

  • LTP_Lat: Latitude in degrees of the LTP coordinate system origin
  • LTP_Lon: Longitude in degrees of the LTP coordinate system origin
  • Ellipsoid_Rad: Earth's equatorial
  • Ellipsoid_EE: Eccentricity squared
  • V_WKID: The WKID of the vertical coordinate system

Rotation angle type

  • RA_Type: The number specifies the type of rotation angles used.
    • 1— RA1, RA2, and RA3 will have camera heading, pitch, and roll values respectively.
    • 2— RA1, RA2, and RA3 will have omega, phi, and kappa values respectively.
    • 3— RA1, RA2, and RA3 will have yaw, pitch, and roll values respectively.

Affine transformation parameters and camera parameters are not supported if RA_Type is 3.

Perspective point

  • LTPX: The x-coordinate of the camera center in LTP space
  • LTPY: The y-coordinate of the camera center in LTP space
  • LTPZ: The z-coordinate of the camera center in LTP space

All other parameters follow the same definition as described in the Type 1 schema.