Quick Access Toolbar options

AllSource 1.3    |

The following video demonstrates how to use and customize the Quick Access Toolbar.

This video was created with ArcGIS Pro 3.2.

The Quick Access Toolbar, located above the ribbon, provides access to common commands.

Quick Access Toolbar

By default, it has five commands, described in the following table:

Command nameIconKeyboard shortcut

New Project

New ProjectCtrl+N

Open Project

Open ProjectCtrl+O

Save Project

Save ProjectCtrl+S





The New Project, Open Project, and Save Project commands can also be accessed from the ArcGIS AllSource settings.

Undo and redo actions

This video was created with ArcGIS Pro 3.2.

To undo your most recent action in ArcGIS AllSource, click Undo Undo on the Quick Access Toolbar or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Z.

To reapply an action that has been undone, click Redo Redo or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Y.

To see a list of actions that can be undone, click the drop-down arrow next to the Undo button. Actions are listed in sequence from top to bottom with the most recent action at the top. Clicking an action in the list undoes that action and all actions performed more recently than the selected action. The Undo list only displays actions taken in the active view.

If the Undo list includes actions that belong to different categories of functionality, grouping options appear. You can display all actions in sequence (the default), all actions grouped by category, or actions filtered by a single category. If you filter by category, other actions are not displayed. Optionally, you can persist these filter settings between ArcGIS AllSource sessions.

Grouping options on the Undo list
Left: Grouping options are shown on the Undo list. Right: All actions are grouped by category. In this example, there are two categories: Mapping and Editing.


You can undo geoprocessing tools in many situations. This option is available in the Geoprocessing pane, not on the Quick Access Toolbar.

Using Undo with symbology changes

A series of symbology changes that are applied at the same time is considered to be a single action. For example, if you change a symbol's color, outline color, and outline width and click Apply, these changes are a single action in the Undo list. You cannot undo or redo them separately. Depending on how closely you want to control the Undo process, you may want to apply symbology changes more frequently.

Customize the Quick Access Toolbar

You can customize the Quick Access Toolbar in several ways. You can use the Customize Quick Access Toolbar button Customize Quick Access Toolbar on the toolbar to add or remove commands. You can also add a command to the toolbar by right-clicking the command on the ribbon. Finally, you can use the Quick Access Toolbar options on the ArcGIS AllSource settings page to add, remove, or reorder commands.

You can import and export your customizations to a file to use them on different computers or to share. When you export ribbon customizations, this also exports Quick Access Toolbar customizations.

Customize using the Quick Access Toolbar

You can add commands from a preset list with the Customize Quick Access Toolbar button. You can also remove commands, move the Quick Access Toolbar, minimize the ribbon, and access customization options.

  1. In an open project, on the Quick Access Toolbar, click the Customize Quick Access Toolbar button Customize Quick Access Toolbar.
  2. On the drop-down list, click a command with no check mark to add it to the Quick Access Toolbar.

    Rectangle Zoom command selected on the Customize Quick Access Toolbar drop-down menu

    The command is added to the right of the other commands on the toolbar.

    Quick Access Toolbar with Rectangle Zoom command


    To remove a command, click the Customize Quick Access Toolbar button Customize Quick Access Toolbar and uncheck the command. Alternatively, right-click the command on the Quick Access Toolbar and click Remove from Quick Access Toolbar.

Customize using the ribbon

You can add commands from the ribbon to the Quick Access Toolbar.

  1. In an open project, on the ribbon, right-click a command and click Add to Quick Access Toolbar.

    Context menu with Quick Access Toolbar options for a ribbon command
    In this example, the New Map command on the Insert tab is added.

    The command is added to the right of the other commands on the toolbar.

    Quick Access Toolbar with New Map command

Customize using the Quick Access Toolbar options

You can use the Quick Access Toolbar options on the settings page to add or remove commands, reorder commands, or reset the toolbar to its default state.

  1. Open the ArcGIS AllSource settings page in one of the following ways:
    • From an open project, click the Project tab on the ribbon.
    • From the start page, click the Settings tab Settings.
  2. In the list of side tabs, click Options.
  3. On the Options dialog box menu, under Application, click Quick Access Toolbar.

    You can also click the Customize Quick Access Toolbar button Customize Quick Access Toolbar and click Customize the Quick Access Toolbar. Alternatively, click the Help tab on the ribbon. In the Customize group, click Quick Access Toolbar Customize the Quick Access Toolbar.

    Quick Access Toolbar options


    The Choose commands from drop-down list. Commands can be selected from several different lists.


    By default, commands are presented in the left window in the Popular Commands format.


    The current configuration of the Quick Access Toolbar is presented in the right window. This is where new commands are added.


    Buttons to add and remove commands.


    Buttons to reorder commands.


    Reset button to restore the default Quick Access Toolbar configuration.

    Quick Access Toolbar customization elements
  4. In the Choose commands from drop-down list, accept the Popular Commands setting. Alternatively, click the drop-down arrow and choose a different option.

    If you choose All Commands or All Geoprocessing Tools, a search box appears.

  5. In the scrolling window of commands, browse to or search for the command you want to add.

    Widen the Options dialog box to see the full command names.

  6. Select a command and click Add.
  7. Optionally, select the command in the window on the right and use the arrow buttons next to the window to move the command.

    Quick Access Toolbar dialog box
    The Import Map command is added to the Quick Access Toolbar and moved up.

  8. Click OK.
  9. Return to your project or open a project.

    The command appears on the Quick Access Toolbar.

    Quick Access Toolbar with the Import Map command