Preview data

AllSource 1.2    |

When exploring a collection of items, you can visualize an item's data in the details panel of a catalog view. This can help you decide whether to add the item to a map, analyze it with a geoprocessing tool, edit its geometry or attributes, or work with it in some other way.

Preview an item's spatial data

In a catalog view, you explore spatial data on the Geography tab of the details panel.

Maps are displayed as authored. If they have a basemap layer, the basemap layer specified by the map appears in the preview. For spatial datasets, the Light Gray Canvas basemap is displayed under the data to provide context. You can turn off or change the basemap as appropriate.

Maps or layers created in another application are converted to the ArcGIS AllSource format before they are displayed.

Follow these steps to preview the spatial data of an item:

  1. In a catalog view, click an item containing spatial data, such as a feature class or map.
  2. If necessary, show the details panel.
  3. In the details panel, click the Geography tab.

    The item's spatial data is displayed. A Preview tab also appears on the ribbon.

  4. Explore the item's spatial data.
    • Hover over the details panel and use the mouse buttons and wheel to pan, zoom, tilt, or rotate the data as appropriate.
    • On the ribbon, click the Preview tab. In the Navigate group, use the available commands.
  5. Optionally, on the ribbon, click the Preview tab. In the Preview group, click Basemap Basemap and choose a different basemap.

    You can create a thumbnail image of the data from the geography preview to help you identify it quickly in other contexts. Thumbnails appear in item metadata. They also appear when you browse or search for data in the Catalog pane if you show detailed item pop-ups.

Preview an item's tabular data

In a catalog view, you explore tabular data on the Table tab of the details panel.

Follow these steps to preview the tabular data of an item:

  1. In a catalog view, click an item containing tabular data, such as a feature class or a text file.
  2. If necessary, show the details panel.
  3. In the details panel, click the Table tab.

    The item's tabular data is displayed.

  4. Explore the item's tabular data.
    1. Right-click a column header and click Sort Ascending Sort Ascending or Sort Descending Sort Descending to sort records. Click Custom Sort Custom Sort to sort on multiple columns.
    2. Click the row number of a record to select the record. Press the Ctrl key while clicking to select additional records.
    3. At the bottom of the table, click Show Selected Records Show Selected Records to view only selected records. Click Show All Records Show All Records to view all records.