Available with Standard or Advanced license.
You can create a traditional version to provide editors their own unique, isolated view to work with the same data at the same time. Workflows for traditional versioned data are completed by accessing the enterprise geodatabase directly using a database connection.
You can create a traditional version in ArcGIS AllSource using the Versions view, the Versioning tab, or the Create Version geoprocessing tool. When you create a version, the owner is based on the current database user. The name, an optional description, and the access permission property are specified for the version. The access permission property controls what users can view and edit in a version. The owner of the version or geodatabase administrator can change these properties or delete the version at any time.
Learn more about how to manage versions
Use the Versions view
To create a traditional version in the Versions view, complete the following steps:
- Open the Versions view.
- On the
Versions tab, in the Manage Versions group, click the New button
A row is added to the table, and the pointer appears in the Name column.
- Type a name for the version in the Name column.
Ensure the version name does not exceed 62 characters and does not include the following special characters:
- Period (.)
- Semicolon (;)
- Single quotation mark (')
- Double quotation mark (")
- Double-click the Description column and provide a description for the new version.
Ensure the description does not exceed 64 characters.
- Use the Access column drop-down list and select the access permission property.
- Private
- Public
- Protected
The default is Private.
- Click Save
on the Versions tab to commit the changes.
Use the Versioning tab
To create a version on the Versioning tab, complete the following steps:
- Click the List By Data Source button in the
Contents pane.
- Click the data source
for the layer.
The Versioning tab is enabled.
- On the Versioning tab, in the Versioning group, click the New Version button
to open the New Version dialog box.
The parent version for the new version appears at the top of the dialog box. This is also the version to which you are currently connected.
- In the Name text box, provide a name for the new version.
- Optionally, provide a description for the new version in the Description text box.
- Choose one of the access permission levels in the Access Permission section:
- Private
- Protected
- Public
- Optionally, check the Change to this new version check box.
When you check this box and click OK, the map switches the geodatabase connection to reference the version you just created.
- Click OK to create the version.
You can also use the New Version option on the right-click context menu for the data source to access the New Version dialog box.
Use the Create Version tool
To create a version using the Create Version geoprocessing tool, complete the following steps:
- On the Analysis tab, in the Geoprocessing group, click Tools
to open the Geoprocessing pane.
- In the Geoprocessing pane, search for and select Create Version.
- For the Input Workspace parameter, browse to and select the database connection workspace.
- For the Parent Version parameter, specify the parent version using the drop-down list.
- For the Version Name parameter, type a unique version name.
- Choose one of the following options for the Access Permission parameter:
- Private
- Protected
- Public
- Click Run.
A new version is created for the workspace.