Delete a branch version

AllSource 1.2    |

Available with Standard or Advanced license.

Named versions can be deleted when they are no longer needed. For example, you can delete a version after work is completed and all edits have been reconciled and posted to the default version.

For branch versioning, versions can be deleted in the Versions view or using the Delete Version tool. Only the owner of the version or the version administrator for the feature service can delete a version when connected to the web feature layer.

The geodatabase administrator can delete versions in the Versions view or using the Delete Version tool from a database connection.

Before you delete any version, consider the following:

  • You cannot delete a version if other users are actively viewing or editing it.

    The geodatabase administrator can view and remove version locks. See Manage geodatabase locks for more information.

  • If you delete a version containing unreconciled edits that were not posted to default, you will lose all edits.

    Use the Differences view to identify edits that are present in the named version but not the default version.

  • You cannot delete the default version; it is required for the geodatabase to function.
  • You cannot delete a version that is referenced by a replica. Replica versions in offline workflows

Delete a version in the Versions view

From the Versions view, you can delete multiple versions at a time. You also have the opportunity to undo the delete operation before you save changes.

Complete the following steps to delete one or more branch versions in the Versions view:

  1. Open the Versions view.
  2. Find the version name in the table and select that row by clicking the row in the first column.

    In this example, clicking the first cell (in the orange box) selects the row for the version named Weddington.

    Click the first cell in the version's row to select it.

    To delete more than one version, press the Shift key and select multiple rows.

  3. Delete the row (or rows) using one of the following methods:
    • Right-click the selection and click Delete.
    • Press Delete on your keyboard.
    • Click the Delete button on the Versions tab.

    The row (or rows) appear with a strikethrough mark to indicate they will be deleted when you save changes. Before you save, you can undo the delete operation if you realize you deleted a version in error. To undo the delete operation, right-click the row for the version you deleted in error and click Restore. The strikethrough is removed and the version is not deleted.

  4. Click Save Save As on the Versions tab to commit the changes.

    The specified version or versions are deleted from the geodatabase.

Delete a version using the Delete Version tool

To delete a version using the Delete Version geoprocessing tool, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Analysis tab, in the Geoprocessing group, click Tools Tools to open the Geoprocessing pane.
  2. In the Geoprocessing pane, search for and select Delete Version.
  3. For the Input Workspace parameter, browse to and select the web feature layer (the feature service workspace).
  4. For the Version Name parameter, select the version you want to delete from the drop-down list.
  5. Click Run.
  6. The specified version is deleted from the geodatabase.