Update Oriented Imagery Dataset Properties (Oriented Imagery)

AllSource 1.2    |


Updates or modifies oriented imagery dataset properties.



    This tool modifies the input data. See Tools that modify or update the input data for more information and strategies to avoid undesired data changes.

  • The dataset properties can be used to optimize the dataset. If any dataset property is present as a field in the attribute table with the same value for all the records, the field can be removed from the attribute table and the value can be set as a dataset property. If the field exists in the attribute table, the attribute table value will take precedence over the dataset property value.

  • If a string data type parameter must be removed using the tool in Python, provide a value of "None".


LabelExplanationData Type
Oriented Imagery Dataset

The path and name of the oriented imagery dataset.

Oriented Imagery Layer
Maximum Distance

The maximum search distance that will be used when querying the dataset features. The maximum distance cannot be less than zero. The unit is meters.

Coverage Percentage

A percentage that modifies the extent of the image’s ground footprint. The ground footprint of each image is computed to search for images that contain the selected location, which is identified as a red cross on the map.

A negative percentage value reduces the size of the ground footprint and a positive percentage value increases it. This parameter can be used to exclude or include points on the edge of an image. For example, a value of -30 will reduce the size of the footprint by 30 percent and a value of 20 will increase it by 20 percent. Valid values range from -50 to 50.

Footprint Item

The name of the footprint feature class. The feature class should be in the same geodatabase as the oriented imagery dataset.

Elevation Source

Specifies the elevation source that will be used.

  • DEMThe elevation source will be a digital elevation model that is a dynamic image service or a tile image service.
  • Constant ElevationThe elevation source will be a constant ground elevation value for the entire dataset.
  • NoneThe elevation source will be removed.
Constant Elevation

The constant ground elevation value for the entire dataset. The Vertical Measurement Unit parameter value will be used as the unit for constant elevation.

This parameter is active when the Elevation Source parameter value is specified as Constant Elevation.

Digital Elevation Model

The URL that references the input digital elevation model. A dynamic image service or a tile image service can be used as the digital elevation model.

This parameter is active when the Elevation Source parameter value is specified as DEM.

Image Service
Level of Detail

The scale defined in a tiling schema. The scale represents the zoom level value. Each successive level improves resolution and map scale by double when compared to the previous level.

This parameter is enabled when the Digital Elevation Model parameter value is a tile image service.

Raster Function

The raster function processing template that will be applied to the image service.

This parameter is active when the Digital Elevation Model parameter value is a dynamic image service.

Vertical Measurement Unit

Specifies the unit that will be used for all vertical measurements.

  • MeterMeters will be used as the unit of measurement.
  • FeetFeet will be used as the unit of measurement.
Time Interval Unit

Specifies the time measurement unit that will be used to filter images.

  • Minutes Images will be filtered by minutes.
  • Hours Images will be filtered by hours.
  • Days Images will be filtered by days.
  • Weeks Images will be filtered by weeks.
  • Months Images will be filtered by months.
  • Years Images will be filtered by years.
Oriented Imagery Type

Specifies the type of images in the dataset.

  • Horizontal Images in which the exposure is parallel to the ground and looking to the horizon are in the dataset.
  • ObliqueImages in which the exposure is at an angle to the ground, typically at about 45 degrees, so the sides of objects can be seen are in the dataset.
  • NadirImages in which the exposure is perpendicular to the ground and looking straight down are in the dataset. Only the top of objects can be seen.
  • 360Images taken using cameras that provide 360-degree spherical surround views or have been stitched together as 360-degree views from multiple cameras are in the dataset.
  • Inspection Close-up images of assets are in the dataset.
  • NoneThe oriented imagery type will be removed from the dataset.
Camera Heading

The camera orientation of the first rotation around the z-axis of the camera. The value is in degrees. The heading values are measured in the positive clockwise direction in which north is defined as 0 degrees. -999 is used when the orientation is unknown.

Camera Pitch

The camera orientation of the second rotation around the x-axis of the camera in the positive counterclockwise direction. The value is in degrees. The pitch is 0 degrees when the camera is facing straight down to the ground. The valid range of pitch is from 0 to 180 degrees, with 180 degrees for a camera facing straight up and 90 degrees for a camera facing the horizon.

Camera Roll

The camera orientation of the final rotation around the z-axis of the camera in the positive clockwise direction. The value is in degrees. Valid values range from -90 to 90.

Camera Height

The height of the camera above the ground when the imagery was captured. The unit is meters. Camera height is used to determine the visible extent of the image. Large values will result in a greater view extent. Values should not be less than 0.

Horizontal Field of View

The camera's scope in the horizontal direction. The value is in degrees. Valid values range from 0 to 360.

Vertical Field of View

The camera's scope in the vertical direction. The value is in degrees. Valid values range from 0 to 180.

Near Distance

The nearest usable distance of the imagery from the camera position. The unit is meters.

Far Distance

The farthest usable distance of the imagery from the camera position. The unit is meters. Far distances should be greater than 0.

Image Rotation

The orientation of the camera in degrees relative to the scene when the image was captured. The rotation is added in addition to the camera roll. Valid values range from-360 to 360.

Orientation Accuracy

The standard deviation in accuracy values separated by semicolons. The standard deviation values are added in the following order and format:

  • Camera location in XY direction in meters
  • Camera Height in meters
  • Camera Heading in degrees
  • Camera Pitch in degrees
  • Camera Roll in degrees
  • Near distance in meters
  • Far distance in meters
  • Elevation in meters

For example, if the GPS has a +/– 10 meters RMS in x,y-coordinates and +/– 20 meters in height, the orientation accuracy value is 10;20.

Image Path Prefix

The prefix that will be used to build the image path in conjunction with the Image attribute.

Image Path Suffix

The suffix that will be used to build the image path in conjunction with the Image attribute.

Depth Image Path Prefix

The prefix that will be used to build the depth image path in conjunction with the Depth Image attribute.

Depth Image Path Suffix

The suffix that will be used to build the depth image path in conjunction with the Depth Image attribute.

DEM Path Prefix

The prefix that will be used to build the DEM path in conjunction with the Elevation Source URL in the attribute.

DEM Path Suffix

The suffix that will be used to build the DEM path in conjunction with the Elevation Source URL in the attribute.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Output Oriented Imagery Dataset

The updated oriented imagery dataset.

Oriented Imagery Dataset


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.