Build Oriented Imagery Footprint (Oriented Imagery)

AllSource 1.2    |


Builds a footprint feature class for an oriented imagery dataset.



    This tool modifies the input data. See Tools that modify or update the input data for more information and strategies to avoid undesired data changes.

  • If the Footprint Options parameter is set to One footprint per image or Merge all image footprints., the output footprints will be calculated by computing each image extent. You can adjust the image extent by changing the Camera Heading, Camera Roll,Horizontal Field of View, Vertical Field of View, Camera Height, Far Distance, and Near Distance values in the oriented imagery dataset's attribute table. For 360 degree images, the extent depends only on the Far Distance value. If these values are not defined in the oriented imagery dataset's attribute table, the default values from the oriented imagery dataset properties will be used.

  • The output feature class will be added as the Footprint property of the oriented imagery dataset only if the Footprint Dataset Location parameter value is the same geodatabase as that of the oriented imagery dataset.


LabelExplanationData Type
Oriented Imagery Dataset

The oriented imagery dataset for which the footprint will be computed.

Oriented Imagery Layer
Footprint Dataset Location

The enterprise or file geodatabase where the output footprint feature class will be created.

Workspace; Feature Dataset
Footprint Dataset Name

The name of the output footprint feature class.

Footprint Options

Specifies the method that will be used to create the footprint.

  • One footprint per imagePolygon features will be created from each feature based on camera parameters. Use this option when there are only a few feature points and they are scattered over a large projected area.
  • Merge all image footprintsIndividual polygons will be computed and merged into a single polygon feature that is a more optimized footprint for the dataset.
  • Buffer each camera locationEach feature point will be buffered using the average far distance value of the oriented imagery dataset and merged to a single polygon feature. Use this option for street view imagery.
  • Dataset extent as footprintA footprint will be created based on the extent of the oriented imagery dataset. Use this option when there are many camera points within a small area.

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Output Footprint

The output footprint feature class.

Feature Class