Add Images To Oriented Imagery Dataset (Oriented Imagery)

AllSource 1.2    |


Adds images to an oriented imagery dataset from multiple input sources, including a file, folder, table, list of image paths, or a point feature layer.


  • The images that are added are not managed by the oriented imagery dataset; the dataset points to where the images are stored. If an image is deleted or moved, it won't be loaded on the oriented imagery viewer.

  • Based on the Input Data parameter value, the tool identifies metadata required for loading data into the oriented imagery dataset. The oriented imagery functionality depends on the metadata information.

  • All input data options supports the JPEG format. In the following cases, the images must be added using a .csv file following the oriented imagery table schema, a feature layer following the oriented imagery attribute table schema. or an oriented imagery layer:

    • The image format is TIF or MRF.
    • The image metadata is stored separately from the image files or needs to be edited before being added.
    • You are including camera orientation, which enables more accurate image-to-ground and ground-to-image transformations.

  • If data is added directly from image files, a folder containing images or a text file with a list of image paths, the metadata information is extracted from the image EXIF and XMP data. At a minimum, the EXIF data must contain geographic location information.


LabelExplanationData Type
Oriented Imagery Dataset

The path and name of the oriented imagery dataset where the images will be added.

Oriented Imagery Layer
Imagery Category

Specifies the type of input images that will be used and sets the default properties of the oriented imagery dataset. The default property will be used if the equivalent attribute is not found in the oriented imagery dataset attribute table.

  • Horizontal—Images in which the exposure is parallel to the ground and looking to the horizon will be used.
  • Oblique—Images in which the exposure is at an angle to the ground, typically at about 45 degrees so sides of objects can be seen will be used.
  • Nadir—Images in which the exposure is perpendicular to the ground and looking straight down will be used. Only the top of the objects can be seen.
  • 360—Images taken using specialized cameras that provide 360-degree spherical surround views or have been stitched together as 360-degree views from multiple cameras will be used.
  • Inspection—Close-up imagery of assets (less than 5 meters from the camera) will be used.
Input Data

The path and name of the input data. The following are supported:

  • One or more images in JPEG format.
  • A folder containing images. Only JPEG images will be added to the dataset from the folder.
  • A .txt file containing JPEG image paths. Each image path must be on a separate line.
  • A .csv file using the oriented imagery table schema.
  • A feature layer using the oriented imagery attribute table schema.
  • An oriented imagery layer.

Folder; Oriented Imagery Layer; Table; Raster Layer; File
Include sub folders

Specifies whether subfolders will be recursively explored.

  • Checked—All subfolders will be recursively explored for data. This is the default.
  • Unchecked—Only the top-level folder will be explored for data.
Input Folder Filter

An expression that will be used to filter and add images in the input folder.

For example, to add only images that contain a particular string, add percentage signs before and after the string value (%value%).

Input Table Filter

An SQL expression that will be used to select a subset of records. For more information about SQL syntax, see SQL reference for query expressions used in ArcGIS.

SQL Expression
Include all fields from input table

Specifies whether all fields from input table, apart from the required schema, will be added to the dataset's attribute table.

Unchecked—Only oriented imagery schema-specific fields will be added to the dataset's attribute table. This is the default.

Checked—All fields in the input table will be added to the dataset's attribute table.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Updated Oriented Imagery Dataset

The updated oriented imagery dataset.

Oriented Imagery Layer