Test (Image Analyst)

AllSource 1.2    |

Available with Spatial Analyst license.

Available with Image Analyst license.


Performs a Boolean evaluation of the input raster using a logical expression.

When the expression evaluates to true, the output cell value is 1. If the expression is false, the output cell value is 0.


Test illustration
OutRas = Test(InRas1,"Value >= 2")


  • The test is specified by an SQL expression in the Where clause.

  • The Where clause uses an SQL query. See the following topics for more details on creating queries:

  • In order to use a {where_clause} in Python, it should be enclosed in quotes. For example, "Value > 5000".

    You can consult the help for more information on specifying a query in Python.

  • If the input is a multiband raster, the output will be a multiband raster. The tool will perform the operation on each band in the input.

  • If the input is multidimensional raster data, all slices from all variables will be processed. The output will be a multidimensional raster in CRF format.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input raster

The input raster on which the Boolean evaluation is performed, based on a logical expression.

Raster Layer
Where clause

The logical expression that will determine which input cells will return a value of true (1) and which will be false (0).

The Where clause follows the general form of an SQL expression. It can be entered directly, for example, VALUE > 100, if you click the Edit SQL mode button SQL Query. If in the Edit Clause Mode Edit Clause, you can begin constructing the expression by clicking on the Add Clause Mode button.

SQL Expression

Return Value

LabelExplanationData Type
Output raster

The output raster.

The output cell values will be either 0 or 1.


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