Combinatorial XOr (Image Analyst)

AllSource 1.2    |

Available with Spatial Analyst license.


Performs a Combinatorial eXclusive Or operation on the cell values of two input rasters.

If one input value is true (non-zero) and the other false (zero), the output is a different value for each unique combination of input values. If both inputs are true or both are false, the output value is 0.

Learn more about how Combinatorial tools work


Combinatorial XOr illustration
OutRas = CombinatorialXOr(InRas1, InRas2)


  • The Combinatorial math tools interpret the inputs as Boolean values in which nonzero values are considered true and zero is considered false.

  • Two inputs are necessary for this combinatorial evaluation to take place.

  • The order of inputs for this tool is only relevant for the output attribute table.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input raster or constant value 1

The first input to use in this combinatorial operation.

It must be of integer type.

A number can be used as an input for this parameter, provided a raster is specified for the other parameter. To specify a number for both inputs, the cell size and extent must first be set in the environment.

Raster Layer; Constant
Input raster or constant value 2

The second input to use in this combinatorial operation.

It must be of integer type.

A number can be used as an input for this parameter, provided a raster is specified for the other parameter. To specify a number for both inputs, the cell size and extent must first be set in the environment.

Raster Layer; Constant

Return Value

LabelExplanationData Type
Output raster

The output raster.

The output is always of integer type.


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