What's new for ArcGIS AllSource 1.1

AllSource 1.1    |

See what's new and improved in ArcGIS AllSource1.1.

Analysis and geoprocessing


  • When a geoprocessing tool input has a selection, highlight, or filter, you can use the toggle button to process all input records or a subset.
    An input dataset with a selection (left) and a filter (right)
  • Many geoprocessing tools with a Field Type parameter that supports the Long field type now also support the Big integer (64-bit integer) field type. Similarly, many tools that support the Date field type support the Date only, Time only, and Timestamp offset field types. See New field data types in the Highlights section.
  • The field map parameter—used by Append, Merge, Export Features, and other geoprocessing tools—was redesigned for improved productivity and functionality. (The ArcPy fieldmap object did not change.) For example, the following enhancements were made:
    • The Field Properties window can be opened and resized to provide more space and increase the visibility of all field map capabilities.
    • The merge rules in the user interface are now referred to as actions.
  • The processing extent control was redesigned and enhanced with new features. Processing extent is a parameter on some geoprocessing tools and is found in the environment settings for projects and geoprocessing tools.
    Processing extent control in a tool's environment settings
    In the tool environment settings, you can specify the extent using the current display, a map layer, a specified dataset, or the intersection or union of inputs.
  • Geoprocessing tools honor highlighted records in a selection, which can be used to process a subset of the selected records.
  • The geoprocessing application options include choices for displaying additional information messages when you run tools. The message categories include geographic transformations, command syntax, and diagnostic messages.
  • Multifile feature connection (MFC) datasets that use Parquet source files can be visualized in maps and used as input for most geoprocessing tools.
  • You can customize the icon and description for models and script tools displayed on the ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar by clicking the icon on the General tab of the Tool Properties dialog box.

Image Analyst extension

Deep Learning

  • Three additional deep learning framework models are supported: SIAMMASK, PSETAE, and DEEPSORT.
  • Support for multiple GPUs is provided in training tools for pixel classification model types and object detection models.


Data Engineering

  • You can open a Data Engineering view and calculate the statistics for a field directly from the attribute table by right-clicking the field header and choosing Explore Statistics Properties. You can also multiselect field headers to calculate statistics for multiple fields.
  • Pie charts are available on the Create Chart context menu for text and integer fields.
  • In the statistics panel, various column titles and widths were shortened to reduce horizontal scrolling.
  • Layers with 64-bit Object ID values are supported. You can calculate statistics for fields with the following data types: Big integer, Date only, Time only, and Timestamp offset. See New field data types in the Highlights section.

Geoprocessing history

  • You can send Python code from the geoprocessing history to a notebook using the Send To Notebook command.

Geoprocessing services


  • The ModelBuilder application options include new settings for default font, layout orientation, and link routing.
  • Find and replace filters help you refine searches.
  • A new Open button Open results folder on the ModelBuilder ribbon tab allows you to review messages from the model execution messages window.
  • New parameters on the Iterate Time tool create temporal slices using days of the week, months of the year, or subsets of data based on delay and duration values.

Raster functions

Enhanced raster functions:

  • Colormap—The Hillshade grayscale color map was added. Hillshade represents a 3D terrain surface with the sun's relative position taken into account.
  • Remap—A new Replacement Value parameter was added.
  • Zonal Statistics—Four new options were added to the Statistics Type parameter: Majority count, Majority percentage, Minority count, and Minority percentage.

Spatial statistics

  • With a small number of limitations, all tools in the Spatial Statistics toolbox accept 64-bit Object ID and Big integer fields. See New field data types in the Highlights section.

Neighborhood Explorer

  • Neighborhood Explorer is a new capability that allows you to configure, visualize, and refine conceptualizations of spatial relationships, which are often used by tools in the Spatial Statistics toolbox. Exploring neighborhoods is an important step in beginning and refining spatial statistics workflows.
    The Neighborhood Explorer pane and tools in a project

Geoprocessing tools

Geoprocessing tools

Analysis toolbox

Enhanced tools

  • Spatial Join—You can use the Matching Attributes parameter to filter the spatial join results by a specified attribute field.

Data Management toolbox

Features toolset

Enhanced tools:

  • Points To Line—The tool was rewritten to improve performance and provide progress updating.
  • XY Table To Point—You can use the Processing Extent environment to set a spatial filter that controls which records from the table are written to the output feature class.

Fields toolset

New tools:

Enhanced tools:

  • Calculate Field:
    • Supports expressions written in VBScript, the default expression language used in ArcMap.
    • Supports the ISO 8601 format when setting values for the following field types: Date, Timestamp offset, Date only and Time only.
  • Calculate Fields (multiple):
    • Supports expressions written in VBScript, the default expression language used in ArcMap.
    • Supports the ISO 8601 format when setting values for the following field types: Date, Timestamp offset, Date only and Time only.
  • Convert Temporal Field:
    • The tool was relabeled from Convert Time Field.
    • Supports more temporal formats including the Date only, Time only, and Timestamp offset field data types; text fields that comply with the ISO 8601 format; and time zone designators in UTC (Z) and UTC offset formats.

General toolset

New tools:

  • Upload File To Portal—Uploads a file to the active portal. Supported file types are .lyrx, .mapx, .pagx, .pdf, .rptt, .rptx, and .stylx.

Joins and Relates toolset

Enhanced tools:

  • Add Join:
    • You can use the Rebuild join field indexes parameter to repair broken indexes when you run the tool. This option can fix unexpected join results or ensure that incorrect indexing does not cause problems with the join.
    • If the join table has a definition query, the tool indicates this with a message and specifies the number of records that will be processed.
  • Add Spatial Join:
    • The Matching Attributes parameter filters the spatial join results using a specified attribute field.
    • The Permanently Join Fields parameter permanently adds fields from the join layer to the target layer.

Network Analyst toolbox

Oriented Imagery toolbox

The Oriented Imagery toolbox is a new toolbox containing tools to create, manage, and maintain oriented imagery datasets and layers.

New tools

Projections and Transformations toolset

Enhanced tools:

GeoAnalytics Desktop toolbox

Enhanced tools

  • Aggregate Points—Supports H3 bins.
  • Join Features—The Include Distance option allows you to specify whether results include the calculated spatial distance and temporal distance between joined features.

Spatial Analyst toolbox

New tools

  • Feature Solar Radiation—Calculates the incoming solar insolation for input points or polygon features relative to the surface (ground) on the earth or moon.
  • Optimal Corridor Connections—Calculates the optimal corridor connections between two or more input regions.
  • Raster Solar Radiation—Calculates the total solar insolation for every raster cell of a digital surface model for the earth or moon.
  • Space Time Kernel Density—Expands kernel density calculations from analyzing the relative position and magnitude of the input features to include other dimensions such as time and depth (elevation). The resulting output identifies the magnitude-per-unit area using the multiple kernel functions to fit a smoothly tapered surface to each input point.

Spatial Statistics toolbox

New tools

  • Causal Inference Analysis—Estimates the causal effect of a continuous exposure variable on a continuous outcome variable by approximating a randomized experiment and controlling for confounding variables. The tool can be used to model causal relationships from data collected in an observational study.
  • Convert Spatial Statistics Popup Charts for Web Display—Prepares interactive pop-up charts for web display by saving them as image attachments to a feature class. You can share the output as a web service to ArcGIS Online, and the charts will appear in the pop-ups of the web feature layer.

Enhanced tools

  • Forest-based and Boosted Classification and Regression—The Gradient Boosted option of the Model Type parameter uses a variant of the Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) algorithm to perform the classification or regression. Various tuning parameters can be optimized to improve the accuracy of the model. Previously, the tool label was Forest-based Classification and Regression.

Data management and workflows

Geodatabases and databases


New field data types are supported in geodatabases, databases, cloud data warehouses, and text files. Existing query layers or text files may contain field data types that ArcGIS Pro 3.2 interprets as one of the new data types. To publish web layers from these query layers, or to run scripts that access these text files, you may need to configure ArcGIS AllSource to use data types compatible with ArcGIS Pro 3.1 and earlier releases.

  • You can generate a data dictionary style report of your geodatabase schema in multiple formats (JSON, Excel, HTML, and PDF). See Generate a schema report in the Highlights section.
  • The new Big integer, Date only, Time only, and Timestamp offset field data types are supported in tables and feature classes in file geodatabases, mobile geodatabases, and most databases and 11.2.0 enterprise geodatabases when you work with the data from the Databases connection Databases in the Catalog pane or a catalog view. See which data types are supported by each database platform.
  • You can migrate Object ID fields in geodatabase tables and feature classes to store values larger than 32-bit values. This is useful for tables or feature classes that need to store more than 2.14 billion records.
  • You can migrate Date fields in a table or feature class in a geodatabase to high precision, allowing them to support time with millisecond values.
  • When you work with the Fields view or Domains view of an attribute table, you can click Refresh Refresh on the ribbon to update the view with the current state of the dataset and workspace.

Cloud data warehouses

  • The new Big integer, Date only, Time only, and Timestamp offset field data types are supported when you connect to a cloud data warehouse in ArcGIS AllSource to view and query data. See which data types are supported by each cloud data warehouse platform.
  • Date fields in query layers that access cloud data warehouse tables automatically display high precision values if they are present. To use these values without high precision, you can configure ArcGIS AllSource to use field data types compatible with ArcGIS Pro 3.1 and earlier releases.
  • Additional connection options are now available when you create a database connection to a cloud data warehouse.
  • You can publish a read-only web feature layer from data in Amazon Redshift.

Enterprise geodatabases and databases

  • The redesigned Database Connection dialog box has two tabs:
    • Connection Properties—Includes properties required to connect to a relational database management system or cloud data warehouse. New context-sensitive options are specific to the database or cloud data warehouse type.
    • Geodatabase Connection Properties—Allows you to access versioning and historical moment settings when you connect to an enterprise geodatabase. Previously, these properties were only accessible from the context menu of an existing connection.
  • Support for PostgreSQL 15.4 was added.
  • Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) or Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) logins can now be used for the sde user in newly created geodatabases in PostgreSQL.
  • Generic Security Service Application Program Interface (GSSAPI) logins can be used for nonadministrator connections to PostgreSQL.
  • Support for SpatiaLite 5.0.1 with SQLite databases used with ArcGIS was added.
  • Query layers containing Date fields automatically display high precision values if they are present. To use these values without high precision, you can configure ArcGIS AllSource to use field data types compatible with ArcGIS Pro 3.1 and earlier releases.

Mobile geodatabases

  • The Compact geoprocessing tool now works on mobile geodatabases to rearrange data storage and reduce file size.

Text files

The new Big integer, Date only, Time only, and Timestamp offset field data types are supported when you add an ASCII file or text file to ArcGIS AllSource and view or query data.

ArcGIS Knowledge

  • You can document sources of the information stored in the knowledge graph by adding provenance records. This is an optional capability that can be enabled when you create a knowledge graph.
  • In an appropriately configured ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 deployment, you can create a new investigation and knowledge graph using an ArangoDB database as a NoSQL data store. Only ArcGIS-managed data can be stored in the NoSQL database.
  • When you define new entity types and relationship types in a knowledge graph, Unicode characters can be used in the type names with some restrictions.
  • When adding properties to an entity or a relationship, the following field data types are supported as beta functionality when you edit a knowledge graph from an ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 deployment: Big integer, Date only, Time only, and Timestamp offset.
  • When you work with a knowledge graph in a link chart, a radial menu is available using the keyboard shortcut Alt+R. The radial menu provides keyboard access to operations such as exploring and editing entities and relationships and their properties.
    Radial menu for selected entities and relationships in a link chart
  • The Create Relationship editing tool is available from the radial menu to define a relationship and its properties in one step.
    Create Relationship editing tool and an example relationship
  • When you use the Filtered Find Paths pane to explore connections between entities in a link chart, new options are available to specify the path's direction and to indicate whether a waypoint is mandatory or optional. You can save your configurations for this pane as part of the investigation.



  • You can set edit session options to require manual enabling of tools and to specify how workspaces are managed. See Choose and edit a single workspace in the Highlights section.
  • A new editing application option allows nonplanar geometry to be created when merging overlapping z-aware polygons with edges at different elevations.
  • In the Modify Features pane, with the Edit Vertices tool Edit Vertices active, vertices for parts of multipart features are numbered separately. Each part begins with the number one.
    Geometry properties for a multipart feature
  • You can set the origin vertex in the sequence of vertices that form a polygon boundary or part.
  • You can copy coordinate values to the clipboard when you edit vertices or feature attributes.
  • You can reverse the direction of a traverse course by right-clicking the course in the traverse grid and clicking Reverse Direction.



3D scenes and scene layers

  • You can use 3D basemaps when your active portal is set to ArcGIS Online. See 3D basemaps in the Highlights section.
  • A new layer type, 3D tiles, is available to visualize 3D object and mesh 3D tiles datasets.
    3D tiles layer showing a city
    A 3D tiles layer added to a scene as an integrated mesh.
  • You can enable time and range properties on elevation source layers.
  • New elevation context menu options on raster and TIN layers allow you to duplicate the layers in the ground or create custom elevation surface layers.
  • You can view unique value counts for voxel layers in the Symbology pane.
  • Improved display caching for elevation surfaces provides better performance when returning to previously visited areas.
  • Shadows and ambient occlusion in 3D scenes have improved quality near the camera, and higher performance overall.
    Side-by-side images of shadow resolution
    ArcGIS Pro 3.2, shown on the right, has made improvements to shadow map resolution as well as contrast adjustments to shadows and ambient occlusion.
  • You can multiselect layers in the Contents pane and update the elevation mode.
  • You can enable time on individual category layers in a building scene layer.
  • A new Relative to the scene elevation type aligns feature layers to objects in a 3D scene.

Annotation and labeling


  • ArcGIS Pro 3.2 supports Arcade 1.24. For a summary of new features, see the Arcade Release notes for versions later than 1.23.

Catalog layers

  • Attribute field nomenclature now aligns with the portal item information model. This change impacts catalog layers created in ArcGIS Pro 3.1.

Coordinate systems and transformations

Exploratory analysis tools

  • The Object Detection tool has added the Esri Generic Object detection model, which allows you to click in the map or scene to detect objects from the imagery. The model is provided by default and does not need to be downloaded.


  • With a thematic map series, you can create a page for each layer (or group of layers) as specified in a radio group layer. See Thematic map series in the Highlights section.
  • Table frames include an option to balance columns in a table frame field to make them approximately the same length.
  • Legends include a right to left option which reverses the flow of a legend to optimize it for right-to-left reading languages.
  • A new statistic, Distinct Count, is available for dynamic text to return the number of distinct values in the field selected.
  • Distinct Values is table dynamic text that returns only distinct values from an attribute or stand-alone table field.
  • Value is table dynamic text that supports sorting results by a field in the table. If no sorting option is chosen, the data displays in the order created.


Print and export maps and layouts

  • You can export a map series to JPEG, PNG, and TIFF file formats in addition to PDF. When you export to JPEG, PNG, or TIFF, a file is created for each page in the series.
  • A TrueType font is created from variable fonts embedded in vector exports. This maintains hinting and smoothing when the output is viewed in PDF or AIX formats.
  • You can remove the page background when exporting a layout as a PDF file.
  • You can preview printer margins and tiling lines on the layout view when printing a layout.



  • You can save all items in a project to a style. See Save items to a style in the Highlights section.
  • A system style called 3D Vegetation - Low Poly containing 3D point symbols with low polygon counts of various species of plants was added. These symbols are low poly versions of the same tree species represented in the 3D Vegetation - Realistic and 3D Vegetation - Thematic system styles. They provide similar drawing performance metrics compared to the thematic trees while more closely resembling the appearance of the realistic trees. See 2D thumbnails of the symbols in this style in the 3D Vegetation - Low Poly PDF guide.
    Two point symbols in the 3D Vegetation - Low Poly system style
  • Two 3D line symbols that use the new square and rectangular stroke profiles were added to the ArcGIS 3D style.
  • Two discrete qualitative color schemes were added to the ArcGIS Colors style to support network analysis.
    Two discrete color schemes called Network Analyst Cyclic Default and Network Analyst Cyclic Classic


  • The Format Symbol pane includes a toggle button to apply symbol edits as you make them.
  • You can view the feature count for special values, such as out of range or excluded values, in the Symbology pane even if the classes are not present in the legend.
  • When symbolizing polygons with proportional or graduated symbol symbology, you can control whether the symbols draw above other layers in the map, or with their layer in the draw order of the map. Similarly, you can control this draw order for chart symbols when symbolizing line or polygon layers.
  • In heat map symbology, when the rendering method is constant, you can lock the radius at a specified scale to emulate a reference scale and prevent regeneration as you pan and zoom around the map.
  • Square and rectangular profiles are available for stroke symbol layers used in a 3D context.
  • You can adjust the patch size of point symbols in the Contents pane to accommodate larger symbols.
  • A trapezium patch shape can be specified for polygon symbol classes.
    Twelve polygon legend patch options including the new trapezium shape


  • You can change the default table appearance, including the text font and size and the row and column header heights. You can override the row and column heights for an active table.
  • You can honor selection color overrides set on the layer or the project.
  • The supported URI schemes and file extensions that determine a valid hyperlink have moved in the project options from the Table tab to the Security tab and now also control hyperlink validity in pop-ups.




  • You can access Windows folder shortcuts in the Catalog pane, catalog views, and browse dialog boxes.
    Folder shortcut on the Computer tab of the Catalog pane
  • File, mobile, and enterprise geodatabases display feature class geometry as a property in catalog views and browse dialog boxes. Other items with shape geometry, such as shapefiles and CAD files, also display their geometry type.
  • You can filter search results for project items by modification date and item type.
  • Search results for portal items can be spatially filtered by the extent of a map or scene in your project, by an ArcGIS World Geocoding Service location, or by a region you select. The region filter is available only for ArcGIS Living Atlas items.
  • You can quickly make copies of maps, layouts, and reports with the Duplicate command Duplicate.
  • A new catalog browsing option has been added. When you browse to an item in a catalog view, the Contents pane can expand to the location.
  • The New Project dialog box (formerly Create a New Project) has a drop-down list of nondefault locations in which recent projects have been saved. You can select a location from the list to save a new project there.
    New Project dialog box
  • Badges for portal items and groups are displayed in catalog views, browse dialog boxes, and item pop-ups in the Catalog pane.
  • When you use drag and drop to copy or move items, target locations expand to show their contents.
  • ArcGIS AllSource now supports configuring OAuth-based authentication connections with external authentication providers. When signed in, you can use authentication connections to connect to cloud stores.
  • You can now update data sources for a web feature layer from a catalog view.
  • System administrators who manage application settings can set and lock default authentication connections as well as settings for search indexes created by administrators.


Defense Mapping

The ArcGIS Defense Mapping product data files were enhanced in several ways, including the following:

  • Rule files were added to generalize Topographic Data Store (TDS) data from a 1:250,000 scale to scales of 1:500,000 and 1:1,000,000. This supports Tactical Pilotage Chart (TPC) and Operational Navigation Chart (ONC) cartographic production.
  • Automation was enhanced for the adjoining sheets guide of the Topographic Map (TM) and Multinational Geospatial Co-production Program (MGCP) Topographic Map (MTM) that are created with the Generate Product Layout geoprocessing tool.
  • The boundaries diagram on layout templates sources the boundary data from the basemap dataset.

Geoprocessing tools

Military Symbology Editor

Disseminate your work

  • You can use Save Web Layer Save Web Layer to update the appearance of existing web feature layers in your ArcGIS organization.
    Save Web Layer command on the Sharing context menu for a web feature layer
  • You can now add files to ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise using the Upload File To Portal geoprocessing tool.
  • You can now share web tile layers, vector tile layers, web scene layers, and web elevation layers that reference cache datasets in folders or cloud stores to ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0 or later.
  • You can share catalog layers as the following web layer types:
    • Web feature layer that copies all data to ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0 or later
    • Map image layer and web feature layer to ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 or later
  • You can share oriented imagery layers as the following web layer types:
    • Web feature layer to ArcGIS Online
    • Map image layer and web feature layer to ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 or later
  • You can publish data in Amazon Redshift as a web feature layer to ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 or later.
  • You can save service definitions that overwrite existing web layers or map services.
  • You can share web scenes with 3D basemaps to ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 or later.
  • You can publish 3D object feature layers (version 2) as web scene layers to ArcGIS Online.
  • You can publish a voxel scene layer in a local scene to ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes 11.1 and later. The web scene layer is cached locally.
  • You can specify a time zone when sharing a web scene layer with 3D point, 3D object features, or building data cached locally.
  • The Export Data option was added when you share web scene layers (except voxels) to ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1 or later. Exporting data allows others to use the scene layer as input for geoprocessing tools.
  • The Create compressed textures option is now available when you share a multipatch or 3D object feature layers as a web scene layer to ArcGIS Online. This texture optimization option supports faster display in 3D applications.
  • You can register an ArangoDB database as a NoSQL data store to ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 or later.
  • The network analysis capability is available for network dataset layers when sharing map image layers or publishing map services. This is supported for ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1 or later versions.

User interface

  • Several updates to the ArcGIS AllSource interface include the following:
    • Added ArcGIS AllSource Python Command Prompt to the ArcGIS AllSource program group.
    • Changes to the Map tab group controls due to UI organizational updates.
    • Changes to the Data tab group controls due to UI organizational updates.
    • Changes to the Analysis tab group controls due to UI organizational updates.
    • Changes to the View tab group controls due to UI organizational updates.
    • Changes to the Disseminate tab group controls due to UI organizational updates.
  • Added the Package Manager page in the backstage to update and manage individual packages.
  • Added the ArcGIS AllSource Python Command Prompt shortcut to the ArcGIS AllSource program group.
  • Added Task button controls to the Disseminate and View tabs to support the full Tasks workflow.
  • Added the Reconstruct Tracks tool to the Movement tool pallet on the Analysis tab.