Create Oriented Imagery Dataset (Oriented Imagery)

AllSource 1.1    |


Creates an empty oriented imagery dataset in a geodatabase.


  • The fields, domains, subtypes, and attribute rules of the template datasets transfer to the oriented imagery dataset. The tool ignores any fields with the same names as the oriented imagery dataset's required fields.

  • After creating the oriented imagery dataset, use the Add Images To Oriented Imagery Dataset tool to add images.


LabelExplanationData Type
Oriented Imagery Dataset Location

The geodatabase in which the output oriented imagery dataset will be created. This workspace must already exist.

Workspace; Feature Dataset
Oriented Imagery Dataset Name

The name of the oriented imagery dataset to be created.

Coordinate System

The spatial reference of the output oriented imagery dataset.

Spatial Reference
Elevation Source

Specifies the elevation source for the dataset.

  • DEMThe elevation source will be a digital elevation model that is a dynamic image service or a tile image service.
  • Constant ElevationThe elevation source will be a constant ground elevation value for the entire dataset.
Constant Elevation

The constant ground elevation value (in meters) for the entire dataset.

This parameter is active when the Elevation Source parameter value is specified as Constant Elevation.

Digital Elevation Model

The name of the input digital elevation model. A dynamic image service or a tile image service can be used as the digital elevation model.

This parameter is active when the Elevation Source parameter value is specified as DEM.

Image Service
Level of Detail

The scale in a tiling schema. The scale represents the zoom level value. Each successive level improves resolution and map scale by double when compared to the previous level.

This parameter is enabled when the Digital Elevation Model parameter value is a tile image service.

Raster Function

The raster function processing template that will be applied to the image service.

This parameter is active when the Digital Elevation Model parameter value is a dynamic image service.

Template Datasets

The oriented imagery dataset or table that will be used as a template to define the attribute fields of the new oriented imagery dataset.

Table View
Oriented Imagery Dataset Alias

The alternate name for the oriented imagery dataset that will be created.

Configuration Keyword

The configuration keyword for the data. This parameter applies to enterprise data only. It determines the storage parameters of the database table.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Output Oriented Imagery Dataset

The new output oriented imagery dataset.

Oriented Imagery Dataset