Create Location File From Text File (AllSource)

AllSource 1.1    |


Creates a location file for use in ArcGIS LocateXT from a text file from GeoNames, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Geonet Names Server, or U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information Service.


  • The tool takes an input text file from GeoNames, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Geonet Names Server (GNS), or the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) Geographic Names Information Service (GNIS) for both the United States and Antarctica and creates a custom location file that can be used by the Extract Locations From Text and Extract Locations From Document tools or in the Extract Locations pane. For information about enabling custom locations for these tools, see Add and manage custom locations and custom attributes files.

    The tool creates a custom location file (.lxtgaz) that can be used on the Custom Locations tab of the Extract Locations pane and with the Extract Locations From Document and Extract Locations From Text tools.

  • The Data Source parameter is used to identify the source of the input file. GeoNames, GNS, and GNIS formats contain unique schemas and separators. If an incorrect data source is specified, the output file will be empty. If this occurs, ensure that the selected data source matches the input place-names file.

  • The Include Features parameter is used to limit the feature class types included in the output. Filtering can be done based on the following feature class types:

    • Administrative
    • Populated places
    • Vegetation
    • Locality
    • Undersea
    • Transportation
    • Terrain
    • Hydrological
    • Spot

    You can also filter by specifying a region of interest. When a region of interest is specified, the resulting Output Location File parameter value will only contain results that are wholly contained within the specified region of interest.

  • Place-name files can be downloaded from the following locations:


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Placenames File

A place-names text file obtained from GeoNames, NGA GNS, or USGS GNIS.

Data Source

Specifies the data source from which the input was created.

  • GeoNames The input file is from
  • NGA GNSThe input file is from NGA GNS.
  • USGS GNISThe input file is from USGS GNIS.
  • USGS Antarctic NamesThe input file is from USGS GNIS Antarctic Names.
Output Location File

The output location file.

Include Features

Specifies the feature class types from the input data source that will be included in the output.

  • Administrative Features Administrative features such as administrative boundaries, town, city, state, province, tribal, and country borders will be included.
  • Hydrological FeaturesFeatures such as rivers, lakes, ponds, and other water features will be included.
  • Locality FeaturesFeatures such as buildings, churches, hospitals, and other human-made points of interest will be included.
  • Populated PlacesLocations of named places such as towns, cities, villages, and other consolidated areas of people will be included.
  • Transportation FeaturesFeatures such as roads, trails, railroads, and airports will be included.
  • Spot FeaturesHypsographic features such as mountain peaks and other natural points of interest will be included.
  • Terrain FeaturesFeatures such as mountains, hills, cliffs, craters, and ridges will be included.
  • Vegetation FeaturesFeatures such as forests, bushland, scrubland, and other areas of consistent vegetation will be included.
  • Undersea FeaturesUndersea features such as reefs, bars, and shipwrecks will be included.
Input Regions Of Interest

The feature layer that will be used to create a subset of the input place-names file.

Feature Layer


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.