Select Movement Tracks (AllSource)

AllSource 1.1    |


Selects movement tracks based on an area of interest.


  • The tool selects tracks identified by the Track ID Field parameter value, from the Input Features parameter value that intersect the features of the Area Of Interest parameter value. If the Before, After, or Before and after option is specified for the Time Relationship parameter, the results will only include the unique track identifiers and features that meet the time requirement defined in the Selection Time parameter.

  • Time must be set on the Input Features parameter value if the Time Relationship parameter is set to the Before, After, or Before and after option.

    Learn more about setting time properties on data

  • If the Input Features parameter value is a feature class, the tool will return a layer with the selection applied.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Features

The features that will be compared with the Area Of Interest parameter value to identify unique tracks and select the relevant tracks.

Feature Layer
Track ID Field

The field containing the unique identifiers for the movement track points. The field can be either a number or a string.

Area Of Interest

The feature or features that will be compared with the Input Features value to determine the tracks to select.

Feature Set
Time Relationship

Specifies the time relationship between the Input Features and Area Of Interest parameter values. If the Before, After, or Before and after option is specified, only features that are present in the Area Of Interest value within the specified time window will be included in the output selection.

  • Before and afterWhen a feature's time is before the first time identified and after the last time identified for the Area Of Interest value but within the specified range of time from the first identified time and the last identified time, the time relationship will be before and after the selection time.
  • BeforeWhen a feature's time is before the first time identified for the Area Of Interest value but within the specified range of time from the first identified time, the time relationship will be before the selection time.
  • AfterWhen a feature's time is after the last time identified for the Area Of Interest value but within the specified range of time from the last identified time, the time relationship will be after the selection time.
  • NoneAll tracks associated with the unique identifier specified in Track ID Field that are present in the Area Of Interest value will be returned.
Selection Time

The time frame that will be used to select features if Before, After, or Before and after is specified for the Time Relationship parameter.

If Before or Before and after is specified, the earliest time selected will be the first identified time of the features selected from the initial selection generated from the Input Features and Area Of Interest parameters, subtracting the time value specified. If After or Before and after is specified, the selection time will be added to the latest time from the initial selection to determine the selected features.

Time Unit

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Updated Features

The updated input features.

Feature Layer


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.