Add a grid

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There are five types of grids that can be added to a map frame in a layout: graticule, measured grid, MGRS grid, reference grid, and custom grid. You can also combine grid types to display multiple coordinate systems on the map. For example, you can display a Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) measured grid and a graticule on the same map frame, each symbolized differently.

Graticules, measured, MGRS, and reference grids are all added by selecting a grid from a gallery. By default, the gallery is populated with basic graticules, measured, MGRS, and reference grids. If your project contains a style with grids, those grids will also be available in the gallery. Custom grids, however, are based on a polygon or line layer in the map frame and are added differently than other grid types.

Add graticules, measured, MGRS, or reference grids

To add a graticule, measured, MGRS, or reference grid to a map frame complete the following steps:

  1. In an active layout view, select the map frame in the Contents pane.
  2. On the Insert tab, in the Map Frames group, click Grid New Grid.
  3. Select a grid from the gallery.
    The grid is added to the map frame.
  4. Optionally, customize the grid by right-clicking it in the Contents pane and choosing Properties.

    The Element pane appears containing the grid properties, which you can update.

  5. Repeat these steps to add other grids and graticules.

Since reference grids must have equal-area divisions, they are available for rectangular map frames only.

Add a custom grid

To add a custom grid, complete the following steps:

  1. In an active layout view, select the map frame in the Contents pane.
  2. On the Insert tab, in the Map Frames group, click Grid New Grid.
  3. Choose New Custom Grid Add.
    A custom grid is added to the map frame.
  4. Select the custom grid in the Contents pane, right-click, and choose Properties.
  5. In the Element pane, choose the layer in your map frame to base the grid on from the Layer drop-down list.
  6. Switch to the Components tab Components in the Element pane.
  7. Select the Labels component.
  8. Choose the field grid that labels will be based on from the Field drop-down list. Optionally, use the Expression button Set an expression to write an Arcade expression for labeling.