Export a map series

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After creating a map series, you can export it as a file to share with others. Exporting to PDF exports all the pages in a map series and provides options for the export process. For example, you can export all pages in a single operation, export each page as an individual file, or export all the pages into a single, multipage PDF document. Currently, when you export to a file format other than PDF, such as PNG, only the current map series page is exported. To export all the map series pages to a different format, use Python map automation.

To export a map series, ensure that the layout view containing the map series is active. On the Share tab, click Export Layout Export Layout to open the Export pane. Choose the export file type, set a name and location for the file, adjust any properties, and click Export.

Export page options

When File Type is set to PDF, you can use the Map Series tab to choose how the map series pages are exported. The options described below are available.


This option exports all the map series pages in your series. The total number of pages is reported in parentheses. Depending on the number of pages to export, this may take some time.


This option exports only the current page shown in the layout view. The page number being exported is reported in parentheses.

Selected index features

This option exports pages based on selected index features for a spatial map series. The total number of selected pages is reported in parentheses. You can select index features interactively or you can use a spatial query. This is useful when you want to export only a subsection of a map series. For example, consider a map series page showing a freeway. To create a PDF file with the areas that intersect that particular freeway only, you can select these areas and export the map series to a PDF file.

By default, exported map series do not include selection symbology in the PDF file. The PDF file displays index features as if they were not selected. In cases where you do want to show selected features using selection symbology, check Show selection symbology for index features.


The selected index features export option is not available for bookmark map series because a bookmark map series doesn't have an index layer.

Selected pages

This option exports pages based on the selection on the List Map Series Pages tab List Map Series Pages of the Contents pane. The total number of selected pages is reported in parentheses.

Page range

This option exports specified pages, either individually or by range. You can specify individual pages (for example, 3, 5, 8), ranges (for example, 1–4, 7–14), or a combination of the two (for example, 1, 4, 7–14). The pages are exported in the order you specify. For example, if you type 9, 5–7, 2, page 9 is exported first and page 2 is exported last.

Page refers to the page number as determined by the map series sorting logic. The sorting logic is defined in the Optional Fields setting of the Map Series setup, and the Page Number option mirrors this.

Export map series pages to multiple files

Since a map series has multiple pages, it can be exported to a single file or multiple files. The following options for exporting files are available in the Files drop-down menu:

  • Single PDF File—Create one multipage PDF document with all map series pages.
  • Multiple PDF Files (Page name as suffix)—Create multiple PDF documents, one per map series page. The page name is appended as a suffix to the PDF document name.
  • Multiple PDF Files (Page number as suffix)—Create multiple PDF documents, one per map series page. The page number is appended as a suffix to the PDF document name.

If your spatial map series uses grouping, you can check Order pages by grouping to preserve the grouping in the exported file.