Multifile feature connection file properties

AllSource 1.0    |

Multifile feature connection datasets have a file property that defines the dataset type and its format.

The following are some examples of when you should update your field information:

  • To verify the correct file type was selected (delimited, shapefile, ORC, parquet)
  • To modify the quote character
  • To modify the encoding

Field properties details

Every data type includes a file format type: delimited, shapefile, ORC, or parquet.

Delimited files have additional properties that are not supported for shapefile, ORC, and parquet. The additional properties include the following:

  • File extension—The extensions of the delimited file, for example, .csv. This property is not editable.
  • Field delimiter—The delimiter used to split fields. This property is editable.
  • Record terminator—The character used to split lines. This property is editable.
  • Quote character—The character used for quotes within a string. This property is editable.
  • Escape character—The character used to escape quotes. This property is editable.
  • Has header row—If the delimited file has a header row. This property is editable.
  • Encoding—The type of encoding. The default is UTF-8. This property is editable.

Changing the file properties for the multifile feature connection dataset does not modify your source datasets.

In this topic
  1. Field properties details