A quick tour of editing

InArcGIS AllSource editing tools are available on the ribbon and editing toolbars and in panes. Commands on the context menu are available for specific tools and enable them to perform a variety of editing tasks.

An overview of the editing user interface. For steps to use a specific tool, browse the table of contents or search the help using a keyword or phrase.

Data tab

The Data tab contains groups and tools related to adding, importing, and manipulating data. On the Data tab, in the Add group, you have access to tools to create features.

Data tab

Add group

The Add group contains the tools described below, which you can use to add data and connections to a map.

Add Data

Use this tool to add data from a local computer, portal, or path to a project.

New Feature Layer

A feature layer is a grouping of similar geographic features, for example, building, cities, roads, and terrain. Features can be points, multipoints, lines, and polygons (areas). Feature layers are most appropriate for visualizing data on top of basemaps. To add a feature layer to a map, in the Add group, click New Feature Layer, and choose the geometry.


Use this tool to create a connection to databases, servers, and cloud stores to access data.

Layer Template

Access a gallery of layer templates to add a new editable layer to the active map. A layer template is a schema-only layer package; it defines the symbology and other display properties for the layer and the schema for the underlying dataset. When you add new features to the layer, they are stored in a new dataset. To add a layer from the template to an active map or scene, in the Add group, click one of the layer templates in the Layer Template gallery.

New Graphics Layer

Graphic layers are containers for graphic elements—geometric shapes, lines, points, text, and pictures. They provide a way to include simple notations on a map or layout that highlight particular areas or label places. You can use graphics to visualize a map without creating features. For example, you can add a rectangle and text elements to a graphic layer to highlight an area of interest and its nearby access points. Use New Graphics Layer to add graphics to a project.

Edit tab

On the Edit tab, the groups contain tools and commands that are used to start and complete common editing workflows. Some groups contain a dialog box launcher in the lower right corner that opens a dialog box or task pane related to the group.

Edit tab


You can right-click a button on the ribbon and add it to the Quick Access toolbar.

Clipboard group

In the Clipboard group, the Cut Cut, Copy Copy, Paste Paste, and Paste Special tools copy features to the clipboard and paste them to the same layer or a different layer.

Learn more about coping and pasting using the clipboard

Manage Edits group

In the Manage Edits group, you can view editing permissions for layers in a workspace, and change a project and application settings for editing

There are no buttons to start or stop an edit session. An edit session automatically starts when you modify existing data or create data. Saving or discarding your edits automatically stops the edit session. The tools in the Manage Edits group are described below.

Learn more about automatic edit sessions

Manage Templates

The Manage Templates tool Manage Templates opens the Manage Templates pane, which lists the feature templates for the current project in a tree view. You can select a map or a layer and create, modify, or delete associated templates that appear in the template section of the pane.

Manage Templates pane

Editing Options

The Editing Options dialog box launcher Launcher provides access to project and application settings for editing.

Options dialog box

Features group

In the Features group, you can open editing task panes to create or modify features, delete selected features in the active map or scene, set snapping preferences, and create military symbols. The tools in the Features group are described below.


The Create tool Create Features opens the Create Features pane, which contains the feature templates and related construction tools for layers in the active map.

Create Features pane


The Modify tool Modify Features opens the Modify Features pane, which contains the full collection of editing tools that modify features. On the My Tools tab, you can create a customized collection of tools for quick access.

Modify Features pane


Use the Snapping pane to set your snapping preferences. These controls are also available in the pop-up menu on the status bar at the bottom of the active map.

Snapping pane

Military Symbol Editor

The Military Symbol Editor tool Military Symbology Editor opens the Military Symbol Editor pane, which provides a selection of military symbols for accurate feature representation. In this pane, you can search for basic symbols, modify attributes, preview complete military symbols, and save favorites. To add these military symbols to the map, clicking the map or provide coordinates.

Selection group

In the Selection group, you can set the active selection method, run a selection tool, clear a selection, and open the Attributes pane. The selection tools in the Modify Features pane also use the active selection method you set in this group. The tools in the Selection group are described below.


The Attributes tool Attributes opens the Attributes pane where you can edit feature attributes and related records, modify annotation properties, and manage file attachments.

Attributes pane

Attachments tab

The Attachments tab and toolbar appear in the Attributes pane when you select a feature with file attachments enabled.

Attachments tab in the Attributes pane

Annotation tab

The Annotation tab and toolbar appear in the Attributes pane when you select an annotation feature.

Annotation tab in the Attributes pane

Contents pane

In the Contents pane, you can write-protect a layer and turn snapping on and off by layer. Two of the tabs in the Contents pane are described below.

Learn about specifying layers to edit

List By Editing

Check the layer check boxes under Editing on the List By Editing tab Editing to enable editing for a layer. These settings apply to the active map and do not change permissions granted at the data source.

Editing on the List By Editing tab

List By Snapping

Check the layer check boxes under Snapping on the List By Snapping tab List By Snapping to enable snapping for a layer.

Contents Snapping