Multifile feature connection filters

AllSource 1.0    |

Multifile feature connection datasets have a filter property that is an optional parameter that defines an SQL expression to your dataset. Only features that meet the filter condition are used. The filter defines which features show on a map, appear in the layer's attribute table, and processed by geoprocessing tools.

The following are some examples of when you should update your field information:

  • To analyze data with a non-null geometry
  • To use data that is greater than a specified threshold, for example, when the speed is greater than 20 miles per hour

Filter details

Changing the filter properties for the multifile feature connection dataset does not modify your source datasets. It just filters which features are used for visualization and geoprocessing.

Adding a filter will improve the performance of geoprocessing tools. The filter will limit the number of features to be analyzed.

Filters are similar to applying a definition query.

The following are examples of commonly used filter expressions:

  • X IS NOT NULL AND Y IS NOT NULL—Only use features where the x and y fields are not null.
  • WINDSPEED > 1000—Only use features where the WINDSPEED is greater than 1000.
  • TEMP BETWEEN 0 AND 30—Only use features where the TEMP field is between 0 and 30.
  • lower(TYPE) LIKE 'RESIDENTIAL'—Only use features where the TYPE field starts with the text RESIDENTIAL.

In this topic
  1. Filter details