Manage job attachments

Job attachments can be managed for the selected job in the Details panel on the Manage or Work page.

Add job attachments

Complete these steps to add job attachments:


If you don’t have sufficient privileges, you can't add attachments to jobs.

  1. Access the Workflow Manager web app.
  2. Select the job to which you want to add attachments in the job list on the Manage or Work page.
  3. In the Details panel, click the Attachments tab Attachments.

    A list of job attachments appears in the Details panel. If new attachments don't appear in the list, click the Refresh Panel button Refresh Panel.


    If you don’t have sufficient privileges, you won’t see the Attachments tab on the Details panel.

  4. Click the Add Attachment button Add Attachment next to the name of the folder to which you want to add the attachment.

    The Open dialog box appears.

  5. Browse to the file you want to attach to the job and click Open.

    A confirmation message appears when the file has been uploaded successfully.

Download job attachments

Complete these steps to download job attachments:

  1. Access the Workflow Manager web app.
  2. Select the job that contains the attachments you want to download in the job list on the Manage or Work page.
  3. In the Details panel, click the Attachments tab Attachments.

    A list of job attachments appears in the Details panel. If new attachments don't appear in the list, click the Refresh Panel button Refresh Panel.


    If you don’t have sufficient privileges, you won’t see the Attachments tab on the Details panel.

  4. Click the name of the attachment to download the attachment.

    Hover over the Last Modified icon Last Modified to view who last updated the attachment and the modification date.

Rename job attachments

Complete these steps to rename job attachments:


If you don’t have sufficient privileges, you can't rename job attachments.

  1. Access the Workflow Manager web app.
  2. Select the job that contains the attachment you want to rename in the job list on the Manage or Work page.
  3. In the Details panel, click the Attachments tab Attachments.

    A list of job attachments appears in the Details panel. If new attachments don't appear in the list, click the Refresh Panel button Refresh Panel.


    If you don’t have sufficient privileges, you won’t see the Attachments tab on the Details panel.

  4. Hover over an attachment and click the Edit Attachment Alias button Edit Attachment Alias to rename the attachment.
  5. Type a new name for the file in the text box and click the Confirm Alias button Confirm Alias to rename the file.

    A confirmation message appears, indicating that the name was updated successfully.

Delete job attachments

Complete these steps to delete job attachments.


If you don’t have sufficient privileges, you can't delete job attachments.

  1. Access the Workflow Manager web app.
  2. Select the job that contains the attachments you want to delete in the job list on the Manage or Work page.
  3. In the Details panel, click the Attachments tab Attachments.

    A list of job attachments appears in the Details panel. If new attachments don't appear in the list, click the Refresh Panel button Refresh Panel.


    If you don’t have sufficient privileges, you won’t see the Attachments tab on the Details panel.

  4. Hover over an attachment and click the Delete button Delete to delete it.

    The Delete Attachment dialog box appears.


    Deleted job attachments can't be recovered.

  5. Click Yes to delete the attachment or click No to cancel.

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