Share an urban model

On the Sharing tab of the data manager, you can configure who can view, who can edit, and who can copy the urban model.

You can configure who can view and edit the urban model on two levels: the General level and the Groups level. The two levels are supplementary and independent of each other. See the Configure general sharing settings section below to learn more about the General level. See the Configure group sharing settings section below to learn more about the Groups level.


Only the urban model owner can edit the sharing settings.

Configure general sharing settings

Use the Who can view and the Who can edit drop-down menus to configure the general sharing settings for the urban model. By default, only the owner can view and edit the urban model.

View an urban model

To change who can view the urban model, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Manage button Settings button to the right of the header in the overview.
  2. On the Sharing tab, browse to the General section.
  3. Expand the Who can view drop-down menu and choose who can view the urban model.
    • Owner—Only the owner of the urban model can view it.
    • Organization—Every member of the organization can view it.
    • Everyone (public)—Everyone who has the URL to the urban model overview can view it.

Edit an urban model

To change who can edit the urban model, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Manage button Settings button to the right of the header in the overview.
  2. On the Sharing tab, browse to the General section.
  3. Expand the Who can edit drop-down menu and choose who can edit the urban model.
    • Owner—Only the owner of the urban model can edit it.
    • Organization—Every member of the organization can edit it.

Configure group sharing settings

Use the group sharing settings to grant individual user groups access to the urban model. This allows you to fine-tune who can view and edit it.

Share with an existing group

To share the urban model with an existing group of users, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Manage button Settings button to the right of the header in the overview.
  2. On the Sharing tab, browse to the Groups section.
  3. Use the input field to search for existing groups.

    A list of groups matching the search input is displayed.

  4. Select a group by clicking it on the search results list.
  5. Choose the sharing level for the members of the selected group.
    • View—Members of the group can view the urban model.
    • Edit—Members of the group can edit the urban model.

Share with a new group

To share the urban model with a new group of users, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Manage button Settings button to the right of the header in the overview.
  2. On the Sharing tab, browse to the Groups section.
  3. Click Create group.
  4. Provide a group name.
  5. Search for group members using the Search users input field.
  6. Select users from the list of search results by clicking the corresponding search result.
  7. Click Create and share.
  8. Choose the sharing level for members of the group.
    • View—Members of the group can view the urban model.
    • Edit—Members of the group can edit the urban model.

Create design plans and projects

A user who fulfills all of the following requirements can create a design plan or project:

  • The user can view the urban model.
  • The user is signed in with an account that has an Urban license assigned.
  • The user is signed in with an account that has privileges to publish hosted feature layers.

See Workflow accessibility for additional information about which urban workflow requires which ArcGIS Enterprise privileges. Access to a design plan or project must be configured directly at the plan or project level.

Embed an urban model

Use the Create web scene functionality to embed Urban content as a web scene in your website.