Data model

An urban model consists of two databases:

  • Urban database—The system of record for parcels, zoning, land use, and overlays, as well as projects that have been uploaded in the data manager. Write access to the database is granted internally, and the layers and tables can be edited by members of the organization with the permission to do so. See Edit an urban model and Configure group sharing settings for details.
  • Urban public view—A view of the urban database. It is a synchronized view with the urban database and primarily serves the purpose of data provision. It cannot be edited by anyone. It is read only, and all changes to the urban database appear in the urban public view database. See View an urban model and Configure group sharing settings for details.

When you create a plan or project, a separate feature service called a design feature service is created. The layers and tables as well as their schemas are identical between the urban database and the design feature services of individual plans and projects.

The urban database and the design feature services are created in the coordinate system of the urban model. See Understanding local and global urban models to learn more.

The following layers are part of the urban database and design feature services:

  • UrbanEvents—Extent of plans and projects, name, description, and status
  • Zones—Zoning and land-use boundaries with a link to the zoning or land-use type
  • Overlays—Zoning overlay boundaries with a description, a label, zoning parameters, and a link to the overlay type
  • LOD1Buildings—Footprints of future buildings attached to projects with an extrusion height
  • Parcels—Parcel geometries and zoning overrides on parcel-level, suitability, and edge information
  • PointSymbols—Point features created in the project editor
  • PolygonSymbols—Polygon features created in the project editor
  • Spaces—Plausible buildings floor plate polygon features
  • MetricValues—Point features storing existing metric values in plans and scenario metric values in projects
  • Viewpoints—Point features storing camera viewpoints

The following tables are part of the databases:

  • Branches—Scenarios including a name and a link to the plan or project to which they belong
  • Indicators—Name, description, and type of indicator as well as a link to the web scene
  • ZoneTypes—Name, label, color, style, order, and parameters of zoning types and land-use types
  • BuildingTypes—Information about plausible building types with parts and subparts
  • SpaceUseTypes—Space-use types with floor height and parameters used for metrics calculations
  • OverlayTypes—Name, color, style, order and method (replace, add, subtract, minimum, maximum) of overlay types
  • StatusTypes—Name, description, label, and color of project status types
  • Metrics—Name, description, unit type, and calculation method of metrics
  • MetricSources—Information about the sources of metrics with a link to the metric to which the source belongs
  • Models—Information about suitability models
  • Criteria—Information about suitability criteria