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Add tables

ArcGIS Monitor 2024.1 (Linux)   |

A table allows you to visualize data attributes as a series of rows and columns and is useful when displaying large amounts of tabular data.

  1. Access edit mode for the analysis view to which you want to add a table.
  2. Click Add element > Table.

    The Select dataview dialog box appears with a list of dataviews.

  3. Click Create dataview or proceed to step 9 to use an existing dataview.

    The Create dataview dialog box appears.

  4. Provide a name for the dataview in the Name text box.
  5. Optionally, provide a description for the dataview in the Description text box.
  6. Use the expression builder to choose the type of data to display in the table.

    For example, to build an expression that contains open alerts, do the following:

    1. Click Resource and choose Alerts.
    2. Next to Alerts, click Where.

      The where clause appears under Alerts.

    3. Click the Select a field drop-down arrow and choose Closed at.
    4. Click the operator drop-down arrow and choose never.
  7. Optionally, click Test to test the expression.

    Data that matches the expression appears on the tabs next to the expression.

  8. Click Create dataview.

    The dataview appears in the Dataviews list and is automatically selected.


    You can also do the following:

    • To duplicate a dataview and use it as a base for similar types of data, click More options More options and click Duplicate Duplicate.
    • To edit a dataview, click More options More options and click Edit Edit.
    • To delete a dataview, click More options More options and click Delete Delete.
  9. Choose a dataview from the list and click Select.

    The Table dialog box appears.

  10. Optionally, click Filter to create a query to filter the data returned by the dataview.
  11. Click Add field and choose a field to add it to the table.
  12. Repeat the previous step to add more fields to the table.
  13. Click the Order by field drop-down arrow and choose the field to use to sort the table.
  14. Click the sort order drop-down arrow under Order by field and choose the method to use to sort the field values.
  15. Optionally, provide a value in the Row limit text box to limit the number of rows in the table.

    The maximum number of rows is 100.

  16. Optionally, click Date filter and choose a date field from the Date filtering drop-down menu to allow the table to be filtered by the analysis view's time range options.

    To turn off date filtering, click Remove Remove.

  17. Click Table on the side of the dialog box.

    The Table tab appears.

  18. Optionally, update the name of the table headers in the Label text boxes.

    To reset the name of a label to its original value, click Reset

    next to the Label text box.

  19. Click General on the side of the dialog box.

    The General tab appears.

  20. Optionally, provide a title for the table in the Title text box.
  21. Optionally, provide a description for the table in the Description text box.
  22. Click Done.

    The table appears in the analysis view.

  23. Optionally, hover over the table and use the buttons to perform the following actions:
    • Drag Move Move to move the table to a new location in the analysis view.
    • Click Configure Configure to edit the table.
    • Click Duplicate Duplicate to duplicate the table.
    • Click Delete Delete to delete the table.
    • Drag Resize Resize to change the size of the table.
  24. When you finish adding elements to the analysis view, click Save.

    Click the Save drop-down arrow and click Save as to save the analysis view with a new name and description.

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