Once ArcGIS Monitor Server is installed and configured, you can install and configure ArcGIS Web Adaptor with ArcGIS Monitor.
Web Adaptor provides a connection between your enterprise web server and Monitor Server. It allows you to specify the port, address, and authentication settings for incoming requests. A dedicated instance of Web Adaptor is required for Monitor Server.
The steps to install Web Adaptor can differ depending on the type of web server (Internet Information Server (IIS) or Java) where it's being installed.
Learn more about the Web Adaptor software component
To install and configure Web Adaptor with Monitor Server, complete the following steps:
- Install and configure Web Adaptor for IIS or Java.
- Go to https://<webadaptorhost.domain.com>/webadaptorname/webadaptor in a web browser.
For example, if the machine where you installed Web Adaptor is named abc and your domain is myorg.net, the URL would be https://abc.myorg.net/webadaptorname/webadaptor.
If you have a forward proxy running on the web server where you've installed Web Adaptor, disable it while registering Web Adaptor. Otherwise, you can't access the Web Adaptor configuration page.
You can also configure Web Adaptor for IIS or Web Adaptor for Java (Windows) from the command line.
- Choose ArcGIS Monitor and click Next.
- Provide the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Monitor Server machine in the ArcGIS Monitor text box.
For example, if the machine where Monitor Server is installed is named abc and your domain is myorg.net, the FQDN would be abc.myorg.net.
- Provide credentials for an account that has administrative privileges to ArcGIS Monitor in the Administrator Username and Administrator Password text boxes.
- Click Configure.
Web Adaptor is configured for use with Monitor Server. You can access ArcGIS Monitor through the Web Adaptor URL instead of the internal web address and port number. The Web Adaptor URL is in the following format: https://webadaptorhost.domain.com/webadaptorname/monitor.
Configure Web Adaptor for IIS from the command line
You can configure Web Adaptor using the ConfigureWebAdaptor.exe command line utility in <Web Adaptor installation location>\WebAdaptor\IIS\<version>\Tools.
The parameters for configuring Monitor are as follows:
- <Web Adaptor URL>—The URL of the Web Adaptor that you want to configure. This is the same URL that is used to access the Web Adaptor configuration page in a web browser. If Web Adaptor was installed on a port other than port 80, specify the port in the URL.
- <Monitor Server URL>—The FQDN of the Monitor Server machine that you want to configure with Web Adaptor.
For example, if the machine where Monitor Server is installed is named abc and your domain is myorg.net, the FQDN would be abc.myorg.net.
- <Username>—The username of an account that has administrative privileges to ArcGIS Monitor.
- <Password>—The password of the account that you specified in the <Username> parameter.
To configure Web Adaptor for IIS with ArcGIS Monitor, run the following command, replacing the parameters as necessary:
ConfigureWebAdaptor.exe /m mode /w <Web Adaptor URL> /g <Monitor Server URL> /u <Username> /p <Password>
Configure Web Adaptor for Java (Windows) from the command line
You can configure Web Adaptor using the ConfigureWebAdaptor.bat command line utility in <Web Adaptor installation location>\WebAdaptor\<version>\java\tools.
The parameters for configuring Monitor are as follows:
- <Web Adaptor URL>—The URL of the Web Adaptor that you want to configure. This is the same URL that is used to access the Web Adaptor configuration page in a web browser. If Web Adaptor was installed on a port other than port 80, specify the port in the URL.
- <Monitor Server URL>—The FQDN of the Monitor Server machine that you want to configure with Web Adaptor.
For example, if the machine where Monitor Server is installed is named abc and your domain is myorg.net, the FQDN would be abc.myorg.net.
- <Username>—The username of an account that has administrative privileges to ArcGIS Monitor.
- <Password>—The password of the account that you specified in the <Username> parameter.
To configure Web Adaptor for Java (Windows) with ArcGIS Monitor, run the following command, replacing the parameters as necessary:
ConfigureWebAdaptor.bat -m mode -w <Web Adaptor URL> -g <Monitor Server URL> -u <Username> -p <Password>