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Upgrade ArcGIS Monitor

ArcGIS Monitor 2024.1 (Linux)   |

Follow the steps in the sections below to upgrade ArcGIS Monitor 2024.0.0 or later.

Learn more about upgrading Monitor 2023.3.1 or earlier


All machines in a Monitor deployment must be upgraded to the same major.minor version.

Prepare to upgrade Monitor

Review the following information and complete any required actions before you upgrade Monitor:

  • Review the Monitor system requirements to ensure that your hardware meets the current requirements.
  • Create a backup of the Monitor database and all Monitor machines in the deployment, and store the backup files in a secure, remote location.
  • Download the latest ArcGIS Monitor software installation files and authorization file from My Esri.
  • Do not uninstall the previous version of ArcGIS Monitor Server or ArcGIS Monitor Agent. Running the setup automatically upgrades Monitor Server or Monitor Agent. There is no need to obtain and install each previously released version in sequence.

    Only one version can be installed on a machine at a time; when you install a new version, the old version is replaced.

  • For Monitor Agent machines to function, they must be the same major.minor version as the Monitor Server machine.
  • Stop the arcgis-monitor-server service on the Monitor Server machine and the arcgis-monitor-agent service on all Monitor Agent machines using one of the following commands before you upgrade:
    • Ubuntu: sudo service <arcgis-monitor-server or arcgis-monitor-agent> stop
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server: sudo systemctl stop <arcgis-monitor-server or arcgis-monitor-agent>
    Monitoring is not available when the service is stopped.

    Some deployments may contain an installation of Monitor Agent on the Monitor Server machine.

Upgrade a Monitor deployment

The recommended order to upgrade a Monitor deployment is as follows:

  1. Upgrade Monitor Server.
  2. Upgrade Monitor Agent.

    Some deployments may contain an installation of Monitor Agent on the Monitor Server machine.

Starting with the Monitor 2024.0 release, all host machines must have Monitor Agent installed to collect metrics.

Learn more about deploying Monitor

Upgrade Monitor Server

Once you have the installation files and backup files, complete the upgrade steps for Monitor Server. Do not uninstall Monitor Server before installing the new version.

You can upgrade using an interactive command line interface (CLI), or silently upgrade Monitor Server from the CLI. The setup package detects and updates the existing installation of Monitor Server.

Upgrade using an interactive CLI

After you complete the prerequisites outlined in the Prepare to upgrade Monitor section, complete the following steps to upgrade Monitor Server using an interactive CLI. To perform a silent upgrade instead, proceed to the next section.

  1. Start a terminal session on the Monitor Server machine with administrative privileges and ensure that the user account has full permissions to the Monitor Server installation directory.

    The default installation directory is /usr/lib/arcgis/monitor.

    Do not uninstall the existing Monitor Server installation.

  2. Change the directory to the location that contains the Monitor .tar.gz file and uncompress it.

    For example, use tar -zxvf ArcGIS_Monitor.tar.gz.

  3. Change the directory to the location that contains the extracted Monitor Server setup file and make it an executable file.

    The following is an example:

    sudo chmod +x ArcGIS-Monitor-server-<Version>-<deb or rpm>.bin

  4. From the command shell, run ArcGIS-Monitor-server-<Version>-<deb or rpm>.bin with elevated privileges.

    The following is an example:

    sudo ./ArcGIS-Monitor-server-<Version>-<deb or rpm>.bin

  5. During the installation, read the license agreement and accept it, or exit if you do not agree with the terms.

    Press Q to close the Master Agreement.

  6. Follow the prompts on the screen to install the software.
  7. After the installation has finished, verify that the arcgis-monitor-server service is running, and start the service if necessary:
    1. Run one of the following commands to check the status of the service:
      • Ubuntu: sudo service arcgis-monitor-server status
      • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server: sudo systemctl status arcgis-monitor-server
    2. Run one of the following commands to start the service:
      • Ubuntu: sudo service arcgis-monitor-server start
      • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server: sudo systemctl start arcgis-monitor-server
  8. Once you have updated the Monitor Server installation, open a supported web browser, access Monitor, and verify that the software is updated and licensed.

Upgrade silently from the CLI

Rather than run the interactive CLI, you can upgrade Monitor Server silently.

After you complete the prerequisites outlined in the Prepare to upgrade Monitor section, complete the following steps to upgrade Monitor Server:

  1. Start a terminal session with administrative privileges and ensure that the user account has full permissions to the Monitor Server installation directory.

    The default installation directory is /usr/lib/arcgis/monitor.

    Do not uninstall the existing Monitor Server installation.

  2. Change the directory to the location that contains the Monitor .tar.gz file and uncompress it.

    The following is an example:

    tar -zxvf ArcGIS_Monitor.tar.gz

  3. Change the directory to the location that contains the extracted ArcGIS Monitor Server setup file and make it an executable file.

    The following is an example:

    sudo chmod +x ArcGIS-Monitor-server-<Version>-<deb or rpm>.bin

  4. From the command shell, run ArcGIS-Monitor-server-<Version>-<deb or rpm>.bin with elevated privileges.

    The --license-agreement parameter is required to accept the End User License Agreement (EULA) during a silent installation. Specify yes to agree to the EULA and install the software. Specifying no results in a failed installation.

    The following is an example:

    sudo ./ArcGIS-Monitor-server-<Version>-<deb or rpm>.bin -l yes [options]

    -l; --license-agreement CHOICE

    Required for silent mode. CHOICE is either Yes or No. Yes indicates that you have read and agreed to the Esri Master Agreement (E204, E300).


    Run the installer without opening an xterm window.

  5. After the installation has finished, verify that the arcgis-monitor-server service is running, and start the service if necessary:
    1. Run one of the following commands to check the status of the service:
      • Ubuntu: sudo service arcgis-monitor-server status
      • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server: sudo systemctl status arcgis-monitor-server
    2. Run one of the following commands to start the service:
      • Ubuntu: sudo service arcgis-monitor-server start
      • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server: sudo systemctl start arcgis-monitor-server
  6. Once you have updated the Monitor Server installation, open a supported web browser, access Monitor, and verify that the software is updated and licensed.

Upgrade Monitor Agent

Once you have the installation files and backup files, complete the upgrade steps on each Monitor Agent machine in the Monitor deployment. All machines in the Monitor deployment must be upgraded to the same major.minor version. Do not uninstall Monitor Agent before installing the new version.

You can upgrade using an interactive CLI, or silently upgrade Monitor Agent from the CLI. The setup package detects and updates the existing installation of Monitor Agent.

Upgrade using an interactive CLI

After you complete the prerequisites outlined in the Prepare to upgrade Monitor section, complete the following steps to upgrade Monitor Agent using an interactive CLI. To perform a silent upgrade instead, proceed to the next section.

  1. Start a terminal session with administrative privileges and ensure that the user account has full permissions to the Monitor Agent installation directory.

    The default installation directory is /usr/lib/arcgis/monitor.

    Do not uninstall the existing Monitor Agent installation.

  2. Change the directory to the location that contains the Monitor .tar.gz file and uncompress it.

    The following is an example:

    tar -zxvf ArcGIS_Monitor.tar.gz

  3. Change the directory to the location that contains the extracted Monitor Agent setup file and make it an executable file.

    The following is an example:

    sudo chmod +x ArcGIS-Monitor-agent-<Version>-<deb or rpm>.bin

  4. From the command shell, run ArcGIS-Monitor-agent-<Version>-<deb or rpm>.bin with elevated privileges.

    The following is an example:

    sudo ./ArcGIS-Monitor-agent-<Version>-<deb or rpm>.bin

  5. During the installation, read the license agreement and accept it, or exit if you do not agree with the terms.

    Press Q to close the Master Agreement.

  6. Follow the prompts on the screen to install the software.
  7. After the installation has finished, verify that the arcgis-monitor-agent service is running, and start the service if necessary:
    1. Run one of the following commands to check the status of the service:
      • Ubuntu: sudo service arcgis-monitor-agent status
      • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server: sudo systemctl status arcgis-monitor-agent
    2. Run one of the following commands to start the service:
      • Ubuntu: sudo service arcgis-monitor-agent start
      • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server: sudo systemctl start arcgis-monitor-agent
  8. Once you have updated the Monitor Agent installation, open a supported web browser, access Monitor, and verify that the Monitor Agent machine is connected to Monitor Server.

Upgrade silently from the CLI

Rather than run the interactive CLI, you can upgrade Monitor Agent silently.

After you complete the prerequisites outlined in the Prepare to upgrade Monitor section, complete the following steps to upgrade Monitor Agent:

  1. Start a terminal session with administrative privileges and ensure that the user account has full permissions to the Monitor Agent installation directory.

    The default installation directory is /usr/lib/arcgis/monitor.

    Do not uninstall the existing Monitor Agent installation.

  2. Change the directory to the location that contains the Monitor .tar.gz file and uncompress it.

    The following is an example:

    tar -zxvf ArcGIS_Monitor.tar.gz

  3. Change the directory to the location that contains the extracted Monitor Agent setup file and make it an executable file.

    The following is an example:

    sudo chmod +x ArcGIS-Monitor-agent-<Version>-<deb or rpm>.bin

  4. From the command shell, run ArcGIS-Monitor-agent-<Version>-<deb or rpm>.bin with elevated privileges.

    The --license-agreement parameter is required to accept the End User License Agreement (EULA) during a silent installation. Specify yes to agree to the EULA and install the software. Specifying no results in a failed installation.

    The following is an example:

    sudo ./ArcGIS-Monitor-agent-<Version>-<deb or rpm>.bin -l yes [options]

    -l; --license-agreement CHOICE

    Required for silent mode. CHOICE is either Yes or No. Yes indicates that you have read and agreed to the Esri Master Agreement (E204, E300).


    Run the installer without opening an xterm window.

  5. After the installation has finished, verify that the arcgis-monitor-agent service is running, and start the service if necessary:
    1. Run one of the following commands to check the status of the service:
      • Ubuntu: sudo service arcgis-monitor-agent status
      • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server: sudo systemctl status arcgis-monitor-agent
    2. Run one of the following commands to start the service:
      • Ubuntu: sudo service arcgis-monitor-agent start
      • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server: sudo systemctl start arcgis-monitor-agent
  6. Once you have updated the Monitor Agent installation, open a supported web browser, access Monitor, and verify that the Monitor Agent machine is connected to Monitor Server.

Considerations after upgrading

It is recommended that you create a backup of the Monitor database and all Monitor machines in the deployment after upgrading. After upgrading, confirm that the deployment is collecting data as expected by accessing Monitor and viewing collection details and component details.