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Import analysis views

ArcGIS Monitor 2024.1 (Linux)   |

You can create analysis views from exported analysis view .json files. When the analysis view is created, the following occur:

  • All dataview expressions contained in the analysis view .json file are compared to the deployment's existing dataviews to avoid creating duplicate expressions. When a duplicate is found, the new analysis view is automatically updated to use the deployment's existing dataview.
  • The names of the dataviews contained in the analysis view .json file are checked for uniqueness. When a duplicate name is found, an integer is appended to the name of the imported dataview. The new analysis view is automatically updated to use the renamed dataview.
  • The name of the analysis view is checked for uniqueness. When a duplicate name is found, an integer is appended to the name of the imported analysis view.

To create an analysis view from an analysis view .json file, complete the following steps:

  1. Access Monitor if necessary.

    The Home page appears.

  2. Click Analysis.

    The Analysis page appears with a list of analysis views.

  3. Optionally, do any or all of the following:
    • Click a category on the side of the page to filter the list by that category.
    • Click Sort and change the sorting method.
    • Click Filter and create a query to filter the list.
    • Type a keyword in the Search by analysis name or description text box to search for specific analysis views.
  4. Click the Create analysis drop-down arrow and click Import analysis.

    The Import analysis dialog box appears.

  5. Drag the analysis view .json file to the Import analysis dialog box.

    You can also click Drag & drop or click to upload a file to browse to the location of the .json file.

  6. Click Next.
  7. Optionally, rename the analysis view and update the description.
  8. Click Import analysis.

    A confirmation message appears and displays the name of the analysis view that was created.

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