Reviewing logs helps you identify errors, troubleshoot problems, and address issues with your deployment. ArcGIS Monitor allows you to view, query, configure, and delete logs.
The following sections describe the logs and how to work with them to address issues:
- Capture, query, and view log entries
- Understand the logs
- Use log filters
- Page through logs
- Delete logs
Capture, query, and view log entries
When an event occurs, the event is captured and recorded in the logs. You can query the logs to view messages associated with the event. To query and view log entries, complete these steps:
- Access Monitor, if necessary.
The Home page appears.
- Click Administration.
The Administration page appears.
- Click the Logs tab.
The Logs page appears with a table of log entries sorted chronologically.
Click Sort to change the sorting method, click Filter to create a query to filter the list, and click Hide to choose which columns to hide or show. You can also search for specific events by typing a keyword in the Search by log message text box.
- Click View Details
next to the time of the log entry that you want to view.
The Log Details dialog box appears with detailed information about the log entry.
All events record information, such as the log code, log level, the time at which the event occurred, the log message, the resource that logged it, the Monitor Server or Monitor Agent machine on which the event occurred, the username associated with the event, and so on. All of this information can help you troubleshoot your deployment more effectively.
Understand the logs
All events record specific information, such as the log level, the time at which the event occurred, and the resource that logged it, and the Monitor Server or Monitor Agent machine on which the event occurred. All of this information can help you troubleshoot your deployment more effectively.
The Level, Time, Resource, and Message properties are displayed in the log table. If you want to show or hide log table columns, click Hide.
You can also sort, filter, hide, and reorder columns by clicking the column header in the log table.
The log code associated with the message. The codes are organized into several categories that generally describe the message.
Logged events can vary in their level of detail from Severe, which indicates a problem that requires immediate attention, to Verbose, which is a detailed, informative message generated through the regular use of Monitor.
The frequency of log messages increases as you increase the level of detail; for example, more messages are logged at the Fine level than at the Severe level.
It's recommended that you keep the log level at Severe, Warning, or Info, except when you need to increase the log level for troubleshooting purposes.
The following are the log level types:
Log level | Description |
Severe | Serious problems that require immediate attention. This level only includes severe messages. |
Warning | Moderate problems that require attention. This level also includes severe messages. |
Info | Common administrative messages, including messages about resource events and general configuration. This level also includes severe and warning messages. |
Fine | Common messages such as names of operation requests received. This level includes severe, warning, and info messages. |
Verbose | Messages providing more detail about how the server fulfills an operation, such as noting specific resources used, how quickly an action took place, and other supporting details. This level includes severe, warning, info, and fine messages. |
Debug | Highly verbose messages designed for developers and support technicians who want to obtain a better understanding of the deployment’s state when troubleshooting. It's recommended that you don't use this level in a production environment; it may cause a decrease in performance. If you're not troubleshooting an issue, use the Warning level instead. |
The time at which the logged event occurred. Events are organized chronologically, with the most recent event displayed first. Click the Time column header to sort messages in ascending or descending order.
Provides additional details about the logged event.
The informative message that describes the logged event.
The resource that generated the logged event. Resources are named according to the specificity of the event itself. For instance, an event related to all observers contains the observers resource, whereas an event related to a specific observer includes its ID—for example, observers:995a292b-29a8-4282-9807-2043885e3f63.
Client IP
The originating IP address of the client associated with the event, if applicable.
The Monitor Server or Monitor Agent machine from which the logged event originated.
Supporting data related to the event, when applicable to the event.
The machine process ID that logged the event.
Time elapsed
The time it took, displayed in milliseconds, for the logged event to complete. For example, the amount of time it took to process an API request.
Trace ID
A unique ID attached to an event, which may include related events. This is carried throughout the life cycle in the system and may be used to relate multiple log entries.
The name of the user who submitted the request resulting in the logged event. This property is useful for helping you track individual user activity.
Use log filters
Events vary in their level of detail from Severe, which indicates a problem that requires immediate attention, to Verbose, which is a detailed, informative message generated through the regular use of Monitor. To help you narrow events and display relevant messages, you can create a query to filter the logs. You can combine any number of these filters as part of your query. You can access these by clicking Filter on the Logs page or by clicking a log table column header and clicking Filter by field. To create a query that filters the log table to warning events for observers, complete the following steps:
- Access Monitor, if necessary.
- Click Administration.
The Administration page appears.
- Click the Logs tab.
The Logs page appears with a table of log entries sorted chronologically.
Click Sort to change the sorting method, click Filter to create a query to filter the list, and click Hide to choose which columns to hide or show. You can also search for specific events by typing a keyword in the Search by log message text box.
- Click the Level column header in the log table and click Filter by field.
The Filter dialog box appears with a new rule created for the Level field.
- Click the Select drop-down arrow in the Filter dialog box and click Warning.
The log table is filtered and only contains warning level log entries.
- Click Rule in the Filter dialog box.
A new rule is added to the filter.
- Click the Select a field drop-down arrow and click Message.
- Click the operator drop-down arrow for the message rule and change the value from is to contains.
- Click Source type: Choose value
for the message rule and click Enter value.
- Type Observer in the message text box.
The log table is filtered and only contains warning level log entries that contain Observer in the message field.
To show new log entries that match the filter query, click Refresh.
- When you're done viewing the filtered log entries, click Filter and click Clear All on the Filter dialog box to show all log entries.
Page through logs
The log table shows up to 20 of the most recent log entries by default. If there are more than 20 log entries, you can display more results per page by clicking the Showing 20 items per page drop-down arrow located below the log table.
If there are multiple pages of results, use the pager located below the log table to page to the next or previous set of log entries. When paging through records, the log table does not automatically update to account for new entries that may have been logged. Click Refresh on the Logs page to obtain the most recent log entries.
Delete logs
When debugging a specific scenario that causes issues with your deployment, deleting the logs can help isolate the issue. For example, if you're attempting to determine the cause of an observer error, it may be helpful to delete the log, run the observer on demand, and refresh the log table to display the observer event. In this manner, the log is cleared of all other events, which allows you to focus on debugging the observer. To delete all log entries for each Monitor Server and Monitor Agent machine in your deployment, complete these steps:
- Access Monitor, if necessary.
- Click Administration.
The Administration page appears.
- Click the Logs tab.
The Logs page appears with a table of log entries sorted chronologically.
Click Sort to change the sorting method, click Filter to create a query to filter the list, and click Hide to choose which columns to hide or show. You can also search for specific events by typing a keyword in the Search by log message text box.
- Click Delete All.
A confirmation message appears.
Deleting log entries is permanent and can't be undone.
- Click Delete All.
All Monitor Server and Monitor Agent log entries are deleted.