Participate in a mission using ArcGIS Mission Manager

ArcGIS 11.4    |    |  

Once a your mission has been created and populated, it is ready for use.

Mission analyst experience

After you create a mission and populate the mission details, the mission analyst experience allows you to interact with the mission and its participants through tools and interactive panels so long as the mission status is Active.

To access the mission analyst experience, click Open Mission from Missions List view or from the Mission Details page.

Participants panel

The Participants panel displays information about mission members and teams. You can view a member's status, connection information, and bio card information.. For teams, you can view their last known location and the mission members who are a part of the team. For more information, see Participants panel.

Mission analyst chat

Chats are messages sent between mission members using ArcGIS Mission Manager or ArcGIS Mission Responder. Chats are organized into threads and can include text, sketches, and attachments. Chats can be sent to any mission member, group of members, or teams. Chats to active users are sent in real time. Chats can be sent to inactive users, but these will not be received until the user becomes active again.


The following three workflows for sending text chats, sketches, and attachments have been separated for ease of understanding but can be combined. A single message can contain text, a sketch, an attachment, or any combination of these.

Send text chats

Text chats are messages sent between mission members and are the most common tool used for communication during a mission. To send a text chat, complete the following steps:

  1. Select recipients from the members or teams lists.
  2. Click Chat.
  3. Click to select the text field.
  4. Enter your message.
  5. Click Send.

Send a sketch

A sketch is a geolocated graphic drawn on the mission map and included as part of a chat. The Sketch tool is part of the Chat tool and allows users to send points, line, or polygons of various types, as well as select the color of the graphic being drawn. To send a sketch, complete the following steps:

  1. Select recipients from the members or teams lists.
  2. Click Chat.
  3. Place your sketch on the map using the markup tool of your choice (point, line, or polygon).
  4. Click Send.

Send an attachment

Attachments are image files sent in chats. They are often sent in association with text chats or sketches but can also be sent independently. Multiple attachments can be sent in a single message. To send an attachment, complete the following steps:

  1. Select recipients from the members or teams lists.
  2. Click Chat.
  3. Click Attach Images.
  4. Select the appropriate file from those available on your device.
  5. Click Send.

Create a task

Tasks are focused, geolocated responsibilities in the mission assigned by mission analysts and completed by both Manager and Responder users. A task requires a location, a task name, and a description. Additionally, mission analysts have the option of assigning a mission member, task status, priority, and due dates, as well as assigning a report that is required to complete the task. To create a task, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Task.
  2. Designate a location using the Point button on the mission map.
  3. Type a title for the task in the Name field.
  4. Type a summary of the task in the Description field.
  5. Optionally, assign a member; change the status, priority, due date, and due time of the task; or select a report from the Report Required drop-down menu.
  6. Click Create.

Learn more about task creation and submission

Submit a mission report

Mission reports are submitted from the mission analyst view. To submit a mission report, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Report.
  2. Select a report from the reports list.
  3. Select a location for the report by clicking the Location Point button and clicking the mission map.
  4. Complete the required fields and enter relevant information.
  5. Click Submit.

For more information about report submission, see Submit a report.

Messages, Tasks, and Reports feeds

The Chats feed displays all chat threads created throughout a mission. The Tasks feed displays tasks that are taking place or completed during a mission. The Reports feed contains previously created reports that you can view. Tools are available for interacting with mission activity, such as replying to chats, submitting tasks, and caching mission activity.

In the Chats feed, the More menu allows you to only view your messages, view your feed as a list, and view cached messages. In the Tasks feed, the More menu allows you to view cached tasks. In the Reports feed, the More menu allows you to view cached reports. For details, see Chats, Tasks, and Reports feeds.

Both the Chats and Reports feeds will display a numbered indicator at the upper corner of their perspective tabs when a chat or report has been delivered but unread in the Mission Analyst view. This indicator resets when the Mission Analyst has viewed the chats or reports.