Collaborate using the actions panel

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Mission members can collaborate with each other through messages, tasks, and reports. There are two types of messages in ArcGIS Mission: chats and geomessages. Chat is the main communication tool used in ArcGIS Mission. Geomessages are also used in ArcGIS Mission and combine map graphics and communication tools. Tasks are focused, geolocated responsibilities in the mission assigned by Mission analysts and completed by other members in the mission. Mission reports are authored by Mission analysts and are completed by mission members to organize and communicate information of a particular matter that has been observed, heard, completed, or investigated.


Chats are text-only messages sent between mission members, either from ArcGIS Mission Manager or ArcGIS Mission Responder. You can only access the Chat tool in ArcGIS Mission Manager from the mission analyst experience.

You can send chats to any mission member, group of members, team, or teams. You can specify recipients in the participants panels. Chats to connected users are sent in real time. You can send chats to disconnected users, but these are stored and sent when the user becomes active again.

All chats between mission members appear in the Messages panel. Chats in which you are a participant, including chats that you create, are listed in the Messages panel.

Create a chat message

To begin a chat in ArcGIS Mission Manager, open the mission analyst experience.

  1. Click Message.
  2. Click Create a Chat Message.

    The Compose Chat Message dialog box appears, which contains the To and Message fields, as well as the Send Chat and Cancel buttons.

  3. Select chat recipients from the Members or Teams panel by clicking the mission member's name or the mission team name.

    Selected mission members or teams appear in the To field, above the Message field.

  4. Type your chat in the Message field.
  5. Click Send.

The chat appears in the Messages feed.

To send a chat to every mission member, either select them all individually or send the chat to a mission team containing all mission members.

Reply to a chat conversation

Once a chat is created, it appears in the Messages feed. If you are a chat participant, you can reply to the chat conversation by completing the following steps:

  1. Locate the chat in the Messages feed.
  2. Click Reply or expand the chat message and click the in-line Reply button.
  3. Type your chat in the Message text box.
  4. Click Send.


Geomessages are geolocated graphics drawn on the mission map with options for providing text or adding attachments. The GeoMessage tool is located in the messaging area below the Message button in the mission analyst experience. For every geomessage, you must click Create a GeoMessage, which opens the Compose GeoMessage dialog box. This dialog box contains all of the geomessage tools and options.

Sketch tools

Typically, the first step of composing a geomessage is to draw the graphic. The tools for drawing geomessages are under Sketch tools.

You can draw geomessage graphics in three main geometries: point, line, and polygon. Polygons are further divided into the rectangle, circle, and polygon tools. The polygon tool allows you to hand-draw polygons with a series of clicks or by dragging the pointer.

To redraw the graphic, click Clear to remove it from the map before drawing again. You can also click a sketch tool after you draw the graphic, but before you send the geomessage, to remove the graphic. To use the sketch tools, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Create a GeoMessage.
  2. Find the location on the map where you want to create a geomessage.
  3. Click the sketch tool you want to use.
  4. Draw your graphic on the map.

    For lines and polygons, double-click to end the drawing process.

Continue creating the rest of your geomessage.

Geomessage details

You can add details to your geomessage to provide mission members with further context. The Title option allows you to label geomessages based on your current mission or task. A title is not required to create a geomessage. If you leave this option empty, it is titled Drawing by default.

The To option allows you to select the recipient of the geomessage. This includes individual mission members and mission teams or any combination of the two. You can select users from the Members panel or Teams panel. If you do not select any recipients, the geomessage is broadcast to the entire mission.

The Description option allows you to create a text note or detailed description of the geomessage. For example, you can add a description of an event that took place at the location noted by the geomessage.

Add an attachment

The geomessage Attachments option allows you to include images as part of the geomessage. Image names are displayed in the Attachments text box. You can remove them prior to sending the message. To attach an image, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Create a GeoMessage.
  2. Click Attach, located to the right of the Attachments option.
  3. Click Choose Files.
  4. Browse to the image or images you want to attach.
  5. Select the image or images.
  6. Double-click the image or click Open to confirm your selection.
  7. Click Attach.

The image titles appear in the Attachments text box.

Continue creating the rest of your geomessage.

Create a geomessage

The only required part of a geomessage is a graphic that must be drawn on the mission map. However, it is recommended that you add a title and brief description to your geomessage, depending on organizational requirements and the situation in which you created the geomessage.

  1. Click Message.
  2. Click Create a GeoMessage.
  3. Identify the location on the map to draw the geomessage.
  4. Click a sketch tool.
  5. Draw the graphic on the mission map.
  6. Select recipients from the Members panel or Teams panel.

    Remember that if you do not select recipients, the message is sent to the entire mission.

  7. Fill in the geomessage title.
  8. Fill in the geomessage description.
  9. Optionally, attach images.
  10. Click Send.
The steps above instruct you to draw the graphic first, as recommended, because it is the only mandatory part of a geomessage. Steps 5-8 can be completed in any order or not at all.

The geomessage appears on the mission map and the Messages feed.


Tasks are focused, geolocated responsibilities in the mission assigned by Mission Manager users and completed by other members in the mission. A task requires a location, a task name, and a description. There are additional options of assigning a mission member, task status, priority, due dates, and letting the assigned member know that a report is required to complete the task.

Create a task

To create a task, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Task in the Actions panel.
  2. Designate a location using the Point button on the mission map.
  3. Click the map to add a point for your task location. Click Clear to delete your location.
  4. Type a title for the task in the Name field.
  5. Type a description of the task in the Description field.
  6. Optionally, assign a member or change the Status, Priority, Due Date, and Due Time values of the task. You can also check the Report Required check box to have the mission member complete a report with the task.
  7. Click Create.

    Your task appears in the mission map and the Tasks feed.

Tasks symbology changes depending on the status. To learn more about the status of tasks, see Task status.


While available mission report templates are displayed in mission details, they are submitted and viewed in the mission analyst view. Previously created reports can be accessed through the Reports feed.

Submit a report

To submit a report in ArcGIS Mission Manager, open the mission analyst experience.

  1. Click Report in the Actions panel.

    The panel expands with the report form, which contains Location (required), Subject (required), Notes, and Attachments fields.

  2. Click the Point button and select a location for your report..

    Your location appears on the mission map.

  3. Type a subject in the Subject field.
  4. Optionally, add notes and attachments such as files or images.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. Click Cancel to return to the default view of the Actions panel.

The new report appears on the mission map and in the Reports feed.