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Administrative and login settings

Esri Maps for MicroStrategy requires an ArcGIS subscription. This can be an ArcGIS Online organizational subscription or an on-premise Portal for ArcGIS deployment. It is assumed that the authentication method used to access the platform has been properly configured by the ArcGISadministrator.

As the Esri Maps for MicroStrategyadministrator, you configure the application's settings file to specify the login method used to trigger the appropriate authentication method for your platform subscription. You also specify the location of the ArcGIS platform and various user options. For detailed information about login settings, see Configuring login settings.

On Windows, the configuration file is located in <MicroStrategy plugin directory>\em4mstr\JavaScript\configuration\settings.js.

On Linux, the configuration file is located in <MicroStrategy plugin directory>/em4mstr/JavaScript/configuration/settings.js.

Login properties

The following properties are used to define various settings related to the login method. For more information, see Configuring login settings.

  • arcgisUrl— Points to the location of your ArcGIS Online organization or Portal for ArcGIS. This property value must be specified for Esri Maps for MicroStrategy to function properly. The value is a string that must be enclosed in quotation marks. For ArcGIS Online, the default value is To enter a different value, you must use the format http://[OrgAccount], where [OrgAccount] is the root of your organization's ArcGIS Online organizational account. For Portal for ArcGIS, the format is http://[PortalHost]/[PortalApp].

    For example:

    arcgisUrl: “”
    arcgisUrl: “”
  • arcgisAuthType— Specifies the login method used to access ArcGIS. This property value is a string that must be enclosed in quotation marks.

    Available values are:

    • user— The user login method requires individuals to provide their own ArcGIS credentials to access ArcGIS items. This is the default login method.

      When the user login method is specified for ArcGIS Online, the arcgisAppId property must also be specified.

    • app— The application login method uses a single account to access all ArcGIS items. If this authentication type is specified, the arcgisAppUser and arcgisAppPassword properties must also be specified.

  • arcgisAppUser— When the login type (arcgisAuthType) is set to app, this property specifies the user name used to retrieve an authentication token, which in turn is used to retrieve ArcGIS items. This property value is a string that must be enclosed in quotation marks. If the login method is set to user, this property is ignored.

    For example: arcgisAppUser: "Test User"

  • arcgisAppPassword—When the login type (arcgisAuthType) is set to app, this property specifies the user name used to retrieve an authentication token, which in turn is used to retrieve ArcGIS items. This property value is a string that must be enclosed in quotation marks. If the login method is set to user, this property is ignored.

    For example: arcgisAppPassword: "Test 123"

  • arcgisAppId— This property is used only when the user login method is specified for ArcGIS Online. The value must specify a unique application ID generated when you register your application with the ArcGIS platform. This property value is a string that must be enclosed in quotation marks.

    For example: arcgisAppID: "nvgHDDFXzMRWmKfY"

    For details, see Generating an application ID.

Administrative settings

The following properties are used to define user options.

  • keepAliveInterval— Specifies the interval between checks for user interaction to keep the current session active.

    Esri repeats keep-alive transmissions checking for user interaction. If no response is received, the application continues to send keep-alive transmissions at the specified interval, to verify that idle connections are still active. This property value is specified in milliseconds; the default is 60000.

    For example: keepAliveInterval: 60000

  • arcgisSharing—Controls whether web maps and layers can be shared with ArcGIS (as specified by acrgisUrl). Acceptable values are true and false; the default is false. This is a Boolean property value and does not require quotation marks.

    For example: arcgisSharing: false

  • selectionColor— Specifies the color to use for areas that define a selection on the map. Colors are defined using hexadecimal values; the default value is #FF0000 (red). This property value is a string that must be enclosed in quotation marks.