Create a table

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Tables are used to display your data in a tabular format. A table can either show the raw data (reference table) or format the data into groups with summary statistics (summary table).


Drag-N Drop You can copy a table card to another page by dragging it to the New page tab New page or an existing page. To copy the table to a different position on the same page, press Ctrl+C to copy and press Ctrl+V to paste.

Add and remove fields

You can add, remove, or update fields in a table to display a different field or statistic.

Add a field

Complete the following steps to add a field:

  1. Select the fields you want to add to the table.
  2. Drag the fields to the Add new field drop zone that appears in the body of the table.

    The table is updated to display the new fields.

For reference tables, the fields are added in the last position in the table by default. For summary tables, the fields are added in the last position for the string or numeric fields by default. Alternatively, you can drag the fields to the header to choose a different position.


Drag-N Drop You can drag the same number or rate/ratio field to a summary table multiple times to display the field with all available statistics.

Remove a field

To remove a field, drag the field header to the Delete field drop zone that appears in the table.


If you do not want to use drop zones, you can delete a field by expanding the menu next to the field name and clicking Delete field in the list.

Update a field

Complete the following steps to update a field:

  1. Click the arrow next to the field name or statistic type (statistics are available for number and rate/ratio fields on summary tables only).

    A menu appears with compatible fields or statistics.

  2. Click the field or statistic you want to display.

    The field is updated to display the chosen field or statistic.


For summary tables, you can only update string fields to other string fields. You can update number and rate/ratio fields to either a number or a rate/ratio field. For reference tables, you can update fields to any other field type.

Organize data

When using two or more string fields to create a summary table, the columns are created in the order you select the fields in the data pane. The order of the string fields affects how the categories are grouped. For example, to find the sales per region in each state, select state, region, and sales fields to create the table.

The fields in a reference table are added in the order you select them in the data pane, regardless of the field type.


Drag-N Drop You can reorder your table columns by dragging a column header to the desired position. All string fields must appear in the first positions of the summary table, followed by the number and rate/ratio fields.

Sort data

You can organize data in a table using the sort buttons Sort field. You can use multiple fields to sort a table. However, you can only sort one number field at a time.

A table is automatically sorted alphabetically by the first string field.

Tables are sorted by the first string field by default.

You can use the sort buttons on other fields to provide additional sorting criteria. For grouped summary tables, the number field applies the sorting criteria in each group.

A second sort field adds sorting in the group.

To sort the table by a different field, such as a number field, you can use the sort buttons to remove the sort criteria on the string field and add sort criteria on a different field.

Sorting by a number field removes the string field grouping.

Grouping is removed from a summary table when sorted only by a number field.

Filter data

You can apply a card-level filter to a table to remove unnecessary text, number, or date values. To apply a filter, click Card filter Card filter on the table and choose the field you want to filter. You can apply multiple filters to the same table. Only data that meets the criteria for all filters is displayed in the table.

Applying a card filter does not affect other cards using the same dataset.

Make selections

You can select features in tables by clicking a single feature, clicking and dragging the pointer over the features, or pressing Ctrl+click. The selected features will be represented in the table as well as other maps, charts, or tables displaying the same data. Once you select the features in a table, the following options become available:

  • Invert selection Invert selection—Click this button to switch the selected features. The inverted selection is reflected in all other cards displaying the same data.
  • Show selection Show selection—Click this button to show only the selected features in the table. The features that are not selected are temporarily removed from the table. The selected features remain selected on all other cards displaying the same data, but no other changes occur on those cards. Click Show selection a second time to show the unselected features. The selected features remain selected until you click the scroll bar in the table or on another card.


Making a selection is not the same as applying a filter; selections are temporary and are reflected on all cards using the same dataset.

Copy a table

You can duplicate a table card on a page by activating the card (a card is active when the Action button Action is visible) and pressing Ctrl+C to copy the card and pressing Ctrl+V to paste it on the page.

You can copy a table card to a different page by dragging the card to the New page tab New page or to an existing page. When a table is copied to a different page, the dataset is also copied, if necessary, along with all of the processes used to create the table. The dataset is not copied if it exists on the new page unless one of the datasets contains a dataset filter, a calculated field, or a location field created by enabling location.