Configure hotel booking

ArcGIS Enterprise (10.9)    |

Available for an ArcGIS organization licensed with the Indoors extension.

Office hotels are spaces or areas that workers can schedule for temporary use for a few days or weeks. As an alternative to permanently assigned spaces, this approach allows an organization to efficiently manage space and reduce costs as a result.


ArcGIS Indoors includes Indoor Space Planner, which allows you to plan the activity of occupants in indoor space, including assigning occupants to individual spaces, or to activity-based work areas known as hotels. You can book office hotels through Indoor Viewer or the Indoors mobile apps, and reservations are managed through Microsoft 365.

Complete the following to configure units for office hotels you want to access and make bookable in Viewer:

Add layers

Your organization needs to have the web map that was prepared and shared for use in Space Planner.

Complete the following steps to prepare your map for office hotels:

  1. Open your Indoors project in ArcGIS Pro and activate the map prepared for Indoor Viewer.
  2. Add or source the People layer in the map from the occupants feature layer that is associated with the Space Planner web map.
  3. Source the Units layer from the units feature layer that is associated with the same Space Planner web map.
  4. Add the Areas table from the feature layer that is associated with the same Space Planner web map.
  5. Save your project.

If you're using an ArcGIS Enterprise portal, make sure the layers are sourced from the default version. All changes made to the plans in Space Planner are merged to that version.

Add email IDs

Your organization will need to have resource mailboxes in Microsoft 365 for each space that can be reserved so a unique email address is associated with that space.


Ensure that the scheduling options, in particular the maximum duration, are set based on the needs of your organization.

Complete the following steps to associate units with email IDs:

  1. Right-click the Units layer and click Attribute Table.

    You can filter the records to show only the rows with a hotel value as the ASSIGNMENT_TYPE using the following: ASSIGNMENT_TYPE = "Hotel".

  2. Update the SCHEDULE_EMAIL field with the unique email IDs for each hotel unit.
  3. Click the Edit tab.
  4. In the Manage Edits group, click Save.

    Make sure the USE_TYPE column has appropriate values or each hotel unit. These values are presented as options when booking workspaces.

  5. Save your project.

Enable hotel booking in Viewer

Once units are configured for office hotels, you can enable hotel booking in a Viewer app by completing the following:

  1. Share the web map.
  2. Create a web app for Indoor Viewer and enable hotel booking.
    1. Browse to the Hotel Booking section in the Configure App panel.
    2. Turn on the I would like to enable Hotel Booking for this Web App option.
    3. Register your web app as a single-page application with Microsoft Azure
      • This is different than configuring hotel booking with mobile apps. You can use a pre-existing organizational account with administrative privileges or create a new one to register your Viewer app URL.
      • Ensure that implicit flow is enabled and both ID tokens and Access tokens are configured.
    1. Enter your client ID in the Microsoft Azure Portal Application (client) ID text box.

Once the app is created with hotel booking enabled, a Hotel button Hotel appears in the Viewer app for maps that have office hotels configured. The Book button Book appears on the info panel of a selected office hotel unit, and can be used to complete the booking process.

  • You need to sign in to your Microsoft 365 account in the Viewer app to book office hotels.
  • If you're using Firefox to open the Viewer app, confirm that your browser allows pop-ups from your host site before signing in.