Set up ArcGIS GeoPlanner

ArcGIS Online    |    |  

ArcGIS GeoPlanner is a premium app hosted on ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise. To use GeoPlanner, you must have an ArcGIS organizational account and a named user license.

GeoPlanner is an embedded app in ArcGIS Online. To access GeoPlanner, complete the following steps:

  1. Ensure that there is a GeoPlanner license in your ArcGIS Online profile settings.
    ArcGIS Online profile settings Licenses tab
  2. Open your preferred browser and visit
  3. Click Sign In .
  4. Provide the username and password for a named user that has access to an ArcGIS Online organization subscription.

The Projects landing page appears with recent projects on the Recent tab and additional projects on the Existing tab. You can also click Create New to create a project and choose a template.