Evaluate in 3D

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.0)    |    |  

All project team members can review or extrude features in 3D to gain a different perspective on their data.

Enable 3D evaluation

To review your features in 3D, you must first enable 3D evaluation.

  1. On the app toolbar, click the Evaluate tab.
  2. In the options that appear, click 3D to turn on 3D.
  3. In the Contents pane, click Options Options next to the layer you want to review in 3D, and click 3D Settings.
  4. On the 3D Settings dialog box, choose one of the following options:
    • Type an elevation offset if you want to offset your features from the ground. The offset value's measurement unit is in meters.
    • Click the Color box to choose an extrusion color for your features.
    • Click the Extrusion Units drop-down arrow to choose the units for your extrusion.
    • Type an ArcGIS Arcade expression in the Extrusion Expression text box.

    Review the section below to learn more about how to extrude features by expressions.

  5. Click OK.

Create extrusion expressions

When you review features in 3D, you can apply an expression that controls how your features render. ArcGIS GeoPlanner allows you to extrude features by attribute or constants using Arcade expressions. Arcade is a scripting language you can use to control how your data draws on a per feature basis. Complete the following steps to apply an expression to extrude your features:

  1. Perform the steps in the previous section to enable 3D evaluation.
  2. On the 3D Settings dialog box, click Expression Builder under the Extrusion Expression text box.

    The Extrusion Expression dialog box appears.

  3. On the Extrusion Expression dialog box, do one of the following:
    • Type a constant value—This value is applied to each feature in the layer you want to review in 3D.
    • Click a field from the Fields list—For example, $feature.HEIGHT would extrude a feature by its height attribute. You can combine fields with operators to build an expression. For example, $feature.HEIGHT * 10 would extrude a feature by multiplying a feature's height by 10.
    • Type an Arcade script in the text box.

      The following example demonstrates how to show estimated population of residential features in 3D by multiplying area by a dwelling units per acre constant (.06) and by a population per dwelling unit constant (2.5).

      if ($feature.LanduseType=='Residential') { return ($feature.Shape__Area * .06) * 2.5 }
  4. Click OK.

    The Extrusion Expression dialog box closes.

  5. Click OK.

Adjust daylight

GeoPlanner allows you to view your 3D features in different lighting conditions using simulated sunlight.

  1. With 3D evaluation enabled, click Daylight Daylight on the map.

    The Daylight dialog box appears.

  2. Adjust the slider to change the amount and direction of sunlight in your scenario. The default is 12:00 PM., meaning the sunlight is at full brightness and is shining down at a 90 degree angle from the surface.
  3. Optionally, you can click the date in the Daylight dialog box to set a date.

    Changing the data of the daylight simulation affects the angle and intensity of sunlight.

  4. Optionally, check the Direct Shadow check box to enable shadows cast by your 3D features.

Create 3D bookmarks

When dealing with large-scale datasets, 3D bookmarks can assist in navigating around your scenario. 3D bookmarks allow you to position the map viewport to an assigned position in your scenario.

  1. Pan or rotate the map to the position you want your 3D bookmark to reference.
  2. Click 3D Bookmarks (Slides) 3D Bookmarks (Slides) on the map.

    The 3D Bookmarks (Slides) dialog box appears.

  3. Click Add Bookmark.
  4. Provide a title for the bookmark in the Enter a title text box.
  5. Press Enter.

    The new 3D bookmark appears in a list of your scenario's 3D bookmarks on the 3D Bookmarks (Slides) dialog box.

  6. To position the map viewport to the assigned position of the 3D bookmark, click the 3D bookmark on the 3D Bookmarks (Slides) dialog box.

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