Configure ArcGIS GeoBIM tools

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.4)    |

The Tools page allows you to accurately georeference Autodesk BIM 360 projects, documents, and their issues.


See User role and feature access documentation before you configure ArcGIS GeoBIM tools.

Tools tab

Complete the steps for the three tools below to configure ArcGIS GeoBIM tools

Locate Engineering Documents

This tool locates 2D CAD, Revit and IFC documents on the map and creates polygons that represents the extents of the models.

Follow these steps to locate BIM 360 or Autodesk Construction Cloud engineering documents:

  1. In the Locate Engineering Documents Locate Engineering Documents tool, click the settings button Settings.

    The Locate Engineering Documents panel appears.

  2. Optionally, turn on Perform Outlier Analysis to identify documents that aren't correctly georeferenced and configure the following options:
    1. Click the Analysis Type drop-down arrow and choose an analysis type.
    2. Specify the number of features used for clustering in the Minimum Number of Features for Clustering text box.
    3. Specify the search distance in the Search Distance text box.
    4. Click the Distance Unit drop-down arrow and choose a unit of measure.
  3. Click Save.

    The Locate Documents tool is always enabled and you are required to run this tool but all other tools are optional.

Locate Issues

This tool locates BIM 360 or Autodesk Construction Cloud document issues and represents them as points on the map. Follow these steps to locate BIM 360 or Autodesk Construction Cloud issue on the map:

  1. Select Locate Issues Locate Issues.
  2. In the Locate Issues Locate Issues section, click the settings button Settings.

    The Location Settings panel appears.

  3. Leave the Use Project Address and Force synchronization options turned on.

    If your BIM 360 or Autodesk Construction Cloud documents were not changed but you incorrectly set the WKID or deleted files from the Documents or Issues services for your project, the Force Synchronization option recreates your files.

  4. Ensure that the value in the Default WKID text box matches the special reference you provided in the Location Engineering Documents panel.

    The default WKID is the well-known ID of the coordinate system and is used to define the spatial reference for Autodesk BIM 360 documents that were not assigned a coordinate system. The Default WKID value must match your web map or web scene's coordinate system. You can find the projected coordinate system or geographic system WKID by searching for the Esri spatial references or by using this projected coordinate system table.

  5. Click Save.

Create BIM Project Boundaries

This tool creates BIM project boundaries on the map based on the document polgons and issue points. Follow this step to create BIM 360 or Autodesk Construction Cloud project boundaries on the map:

  1. Select Create BIM Project Boundaries Create BIM Project Boundaries.
  2. In the Create BIM Project Boundaries Create BIM Project Boundaries section, click the settings button Settings.

    The Create BIM Project Boundaries panel appears.

  3. Choose the types of shape to use to define BIM project boundaries.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Run.

    The tools run and add georeferenced project layer boundaries for your BIM documents to the feature service document layer that appears on the map.

    The tables below the map shows the attributes of the documents, issues and BIM Project boundaries. You can zoom to a specific document, issue or BIM project boundary by selecting it on the table.


    The total documents attribute in the BIMProjects table is the total number of documents that are georeferenced. There might be non-georeferenced documents in the BIM 360 project that were not counted.

History tab

The History tab has a title bar that displays the sequence number of the job with the total number of jobs and when it was run. The elements of the History tab are as follows:

  1. After running the tools in the Tools tab, the first element that shows up is Job Submitted, which indicates the tools have been run and the job is currently is progress. This occurs in both successful and failed jobs. The pop-up in the information icon shows the parameters of the job, which includes the document, issues and BIM project parameters.
  2. When the Syncing docs element pops up it means that the BIM 360/Autodesk Construction Cloud documents have started to sync.
    1. In a successful job, the Document processed element would have a check mark in front of the element.
    2. In a failed job, there would be an error icon in front of the Document processed element.
  3. The Syncing issues elements appears after the documents have been processed. This means that the BIM 360/Autodesk Construction Cloud issues have started to sync.
    1. In a successful job, the Issues Synced element would have a check mark in front of the element.
    2. In a failed job, there would be an error icon in front of the Issues Synced element.
  4. After the BIM 360/Autodesk Construction Cloud issues have been synced, the Syncing BIM Projects element appears. This means that the BIM 360/Autodesk Construction Cloud projects have started to sync.
    1. In a successful job, the BIM Projects synced element would have a check mark in front of the element.
    2. In a failed job, there would be an error icon in front of the BIM Projects synced element.

    If the documents, issues, and BIM Projects are processed and syncs successfully, a Success element appears with an information icon. The pop-up in the information icon gives details on the job completion date and time, elapsed time, total processed documents, total synced issues, and total synced BIM Projects.

    If there is an error while syncing the documents, issues, or BIM Projects, the Job Failed element will appear with an information icon. The pop-up in the information icon gives details on which element the error occurred. Click the Download Error Report button and follow the instructions to report your error to Esri.


    The total documents attribute in the BIMProjects table is the total number of documents that are georeferenced. There might be non-georeferenced documents in the BIM 360 or Autodesk Construction Cloud project that were not counted.

You're now ready to add links to a project.

In this topic
  1. Tools tab
  2. History tab