Add links to individual features

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.4)    |

Complete these steps to add links from Autodesk BIM 360 or Autodesk Construction Cloud documents to features in the map.

  1. On the Links page, click the project map.

    The map opens on the Links page.

  2. Select a feature to link to.
  3. Click Add links Add Links.

    Forge Explorer documents appear to the right of the map.


    The search function searches for BIM 360 documents with a display name that contains the search term. The search term is case sensitive, which means the search term as lower case, upper case, and the first letter in the search term capitalized also matches the search results. Selecting the Search button or clicking Enter initiates the search and the Forge Explorer is updated with the search results. Clicking the Clear button in the search bar clears the search results.

  4. Choose the BIM 360 document to link to the selected feature.

    To link multiple documents at the same time, press the Ctrl key while selecting Forge Explorer documents.

  5. Optionally, click Preview in Forge Explorer to preview the selected document.
  6. Click Link.

    The chosen BIM 360 document is associated with the selected feature and appears in the table below the map.

  7. Optionally, click the launch button Display Document in the table below the map to preview a document.

    To delete documents that are linked to features, click the delete button Delete Link in the table below the map.

  8. Repeat steps 2 through 6 to add links to additional features in the map.
Add Links to Features

Now you're ready to add links to features using rules or share your project.