Add links to a project

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.2)    |

On the Links page, you can associate links with the features in web maps and web scenes as well as document boundaries to BIM 360 projects.


You must have an ArcGIS Online Creator or equivalent account to add links to features.

On the project's Links page, choose the web map or web scene for which you want to create links.


The Add data page automatically appears when a map has not been selected. If the Add data page doesn't appear automatically, click Select data on the Links page.

You can find web maps and web scenes on the following tabs:

  • My Content—Content you created
  • My Groups—Content shared with you by groups inside or outside of your organization
  • My Organization—Content shared with everyone in your organization
  • ArcGIS Online—Content shared with all ArcGIS Online users

You're now ready to add links to individual features and add links to features using link rules.